The course is focused on mechanistic interpretation of reactions and processes in organic chemistry and their application in prediction of reaction parameters, product composition and stereochemistry of synthetically useful organic reactions.
Last update: Kovaříček Petr (15.12.2023)
It is compulsory to pass semestral tests, present a miniproject at the seminar, written and oral examination. Last update: Kovaříček Petr (08.05.2024)
R: R. B. Grossman, The Art of Writing Reasonable Organic Reaction Mechanisms, Springer, Berlin 2006. 978-0-387-21545-7
A: F. A. Carey & Richard J. Sundberg, Advanced Organic Chemistry - Part A: Structure and Mechanisms, Springer, Boston, MA 2007. 978-0-387-44899-2
A: M. B. Smith, March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure, Wiley 2006, 9780470084960, DOI:10.1002/0470084960 Last update: Kovaříček Petr (15.12.2023)
lectures and seminars with examples, individual study of literature resources Last update: Kovaříček Petr (15.12.2023)
The subject covers following topics:
Last update: Tobrman Tomáš (25.06.2018)
e-learning portal with saved lectures, excercises, additional materials and self-tests Last update: Kovaříček Petr (15.12.2023)
Students will be able to:
how to determine mechanisms of organic reactions
the mechanisms of polar, multicomponent, pericyclic, radical and photochemical reactions
elementary basics of mechanisms of transition metal catalyzed reactions Last update: Kovaříček Petr (15.12.2023)
none Last update: Tobrman Tomáš (25.06.2018)
none Last update: Tobrman Tomáš (23.06.2018)