The subject focuses on planning, optimization, and technology development of the real oil refineries. It is based generally on application of linear programing method; resp. exploits AspenTech PIMS software specifically. The subject deals with necessary input data for this purpose, calculation procedure, and finally with sense, interpretation, and application of results. The workshop form of teaching is used and the major part of the subject represent individual or small group activities of students. A part of the workshop is a task to design and optimize operation of a proper oil refinery, to produce given portfolio and volume of the products.
Last update: Kittel Hugo (31.08.2018)
Passing the subject, students will familiarize with the role of optimization methods based on linear programming for planning, operation, optimization, and development of oil refineries. Students will be informed of various input data, which is necessary to start a calculation and of source this data. They will learn how to interpret and use the results of the calculations in the way, which is practiced in the refining industry. They will test the sensitivity of the refinery's operating results to changes of selected input data. As part of the own project, they will design their own refinery and optimize its operations (technologies, capacities, etc.) for the given portfolio and the volume of products. Activities on the own project will be as close as possible to real operative, business and strategic planning, Last update: Kittel Hugo (31.08.2018)
1.Linda B., Volek Josef: Lineární programování. Universita Pardubice, 2011, 4. vydání. ISBN 978-80-7395-426-0. 2.JALAL A: Geting Started with ASPEN PIMS. https://www.scribd.com/doc/101451335/Getting-Strated-With-Aspen-PIMS-1st-Ed 3.Kittel H.: How linear programming helps to develop the Czech Refining Co. Proceedings of the APROCHEM 2006 conference, presentation #163. 24. - 26.4.2006, Hotel Devět skal, Milovy. Last update: Kittel Hugo (29.08.2024)
Current documentation for software (AspenTech PIMS) Last update: Kittel Hugo (31.08.2018)
• Front-line teaching of theoretical principles of linear programming and optimization of refinery design and operation (30 %) • Workshop for project input and calculation of results (20 %) • Activity on an individual / group project and related consultations (50 %) Last update: Kittel Hugo (31.08.2018)
Not defined Last update: Kittel Hugo (31.08.2018)
The first part of the subject includes introduction into planning, optimization, and technology development of oil refineries and about the role of optimization software for these activities. Further includes familiarization with linear programming principles. Another part of the subject is focused on the AspenTech PIMS software structure, sources, formats, and procedures to enter input data and to interpret results. The main part of the teaching is devoted to a specific project – to design a proper refinery to ensure production of the given portfolio and volume of products and optimization of this production (to maximize the refinery margin). An important part of the teaching is also the comparison of the results of various oil refinery designs, discussion of the implemented premises for optimization and the defense of the implemented solution. Last update: Kittel Hugo (31.08.2018)
Not defined Last update: Kittel Hugo (31.08.2018)
Not defined Last update: Kittel Hugo (31.08.2018)
• Participation on individual lectures and seminars of the subject • Elaboration and presentation of a proper project and participation in the discussion of the results of similar concurrent projects. Last update: Kittel Hugo (31.08.2018)
Coursework assessment | |
Form | Significance |
Defense of an individual project | 100 |