Biological Wastewater Treatment and Reuse - P217003
Title: Biologické čištění odpadních vod a jejich opětovné použití
Guaranteed by: Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering (217)
Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Technology
Actual: from 2019
Semester: both
Points: 0
E-Credits: 0
Examination process:
Hours per week, examination: 3/0, other [HT]
Capacity: winter:unknown / unknown (unknown)
summer:unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course is intended for doctoral students only
can be fulfilled in the future
you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
Guarantor: Wanner Jiří prof. Ing. DrSc.
Is interchangeable with: AP217003
Examination dates   
Annotation -
The curriculum starts with the detailed survey of current legislation of the Czech Republic and of the European Union for the discharge of treated wastewater. Individual operation units of the wastewater treatment plants flow-scheme are defined and their function, construction and dimensioning is described in detail. Biochemical and microbiological principles of wastewater treatment processes are described for carbon removal and carbon removal coupled with nutrient removal. The most important part of the course is devoted to activated sludge process, aeration and mixing of activated sludge. The sedimentation properties of activated sludge are explained in respect the activated sludge separation in settling tanks. The separation problems are described together with proper construction and design of final settling tanks. The possibility of activated sludge separation by means of membranes is also mentioned. Besides the activated sludge process the course can be enlarged by the description of biofilm processes in wastewater treatment including the description of fixed-film reactors and their combination with activated sludge process. The course is finished by tertiary treatment of wastewater for various purposes including wastewater reuse. The content of the course can be modified according to the study programme of individual PhD students.
Last update: Wanner Jiří (05.11.2018)
Course completion requirements -

Evaluated presentation of the current topic of biological treatment and re-use of wastewater in consultation with the teacher.

Oral examination.

Last update: Wanner Jiří (05.11.2018)
Literature -

R:Chudoba J., Dohányos M., Wanner J.: Biologické cištení odpadních vod. SNTK, Praha 1991

R:Henze M. Activated sludge models ASM1, ASM2, ASM2d and ASM3. IWA PUblishing, London 2000

A:Editor(s): Rossetti S., V Tandoi, J Wanner: Activated Sludge Separation Problems: Theory, Control Measures, Practical Experiences; IWA Publishing, 2017

A:Editor(s): M. Henze, M. C. M. van Loosdrecht, G.A. Ekama and D. Brdjanovic: Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Modelling and Design; IWA Publishing, 2008

A:Editor(s): Robert Seviour & Per H Nielsen: Microbial Ecology of Activated Sludge; IWA Publishing, 2010

A:Editor: Asano T. Water Reuse. Metcalf and Eddy, New York, 2007

Last update: Wanner Jiří (05.11.2018)
Syllabus -

1) Composition of sewage and municipal wastewater; legislation of the Czech Republic dealing with direct and indirect discharge of wastewater; EU directives concerning municipal wastewater treatment and discharge.

2) Flow-schemes of municipal wastewater treatment plants according to the capacity in population equivalents PE (from "small" to "large" plants).

3) Raw wastewater treatment (protecting part of the plant); types and construction of primary settling tanks, basic types of screens and sieves, disintegration pumps, function principles and construction of grit chambers; specific production and processing of screenings and sand

4) Gravitation sedimentation; types and construction of primary settling tanks; effect of primary sedimentation on biological part of wastewater treatment plant; combination of mechanical sedimentation with chemical precipitation and coagulation; processing of primary sludge

5) Biochemical principles of removal of basic pollution forms - organic pollution, nitrogenous and phosphorus compounds; microbial composition of biocenoses used by biological wastewater treatment

6) Kinetics of bacterial growth; Kinetics of substrate removal; growth strategies based on Monod saturation kinetics; selection based on balanced and unbalanced growth; metabolic selection in systems with alternating electron acceptors; population dynamics

7) Activated sludge process; activated sludge composition; formation of activated sludge flocs; reactors used for activated sludge process; hydraulic regime; operation and construction materials

8) Activated sludge aeration; oxygen transfer from air to water; volumetric coefficient of oxygen transfer; effect of wastewater composition on oxygen transfer; oxygenation capacity OC; factors affecting OC; percentage of oxygen dissolved from air and its measurement; energetic efficiency of oxygen transfer

9) Diffused air aeration systems; sources and distribution of pressurized air; aeration elements according the size of generated bubbles - construction, materials, maintenance; mechanical aeration - construction of aeration brushes, mammoth rotors, aeration turbines; combined aeration systems

10) Separation problems of activated sludge and solutions; separation of activated sludge in secondary clarifiers; construction and operation of modern secondary clarifiers; membrane separation

11) Biological nutrient removal activated sludge process; technological modifications; principles of design and dimensioning of reactors for nitrification; denitrification and biological phosphorus removal; chemical phosphorus precipitation

12) Biofilm processes; formation and properties of biofilms; function and construction of trickling biofilters; types and materials of biomass carriers in biofilters

13) Design of trickling biofilters; rotating biofilm reactors; principal construction types and dimensioning procedures; treatment system combining activated sludge process with biofilm processes

14) Operations, processes and facilities for tertiary treatment (e.g., filtration, sorption, disinfection); conditions and areas for wastewater reuse.

Last update: Wanner Jiří (05.11.2018)
Learning resources -

Last update: Wanner Jiří (05.11.2018)
Learning outcomes -

Students will be able to:

apply basic microbniological and biochemical principles together with the knowledge of reactor engineering to the description of biological wastewater treatment and reactors used for the treatment;

put together flow scheme of wastewater treatment plant;

uderstand basic arrangements of activated sludge processs for organic pollution removal, nitrification and denitrification and phosphorus removal, both biological and chemical;

define and calculate basic technological parameters of activated sludge process for its control and design;

find proper control measures for activated sludge separation problems and aply this knowledge also for construction and design of secondary clarifiers.

design processes of tertiary treatment for different purposes of wastewater reuse

Last update: Wanner Jiří (05.11.2018)
Registration requirements -

hydrochemistry, Microbiology, Chemical Engineering

Last update: Wanner Jiří (05.11.2018)