The main goal of this course is not only to teach students the fundaments of NMR spectroscopy, but also to provide knowledge about advanced experimental techniques, which can be useful for the analyses of various materials like small molecules, large biomolecules, etc. Students will be also prepared to set up an experiment, process the data and to interpret the results. The course is devided into three blocks, the first one is devoted to the physical fundaments of the method and basic as well as advanced NMR techniques, the second is a seminar, where the students will learn how to interpret the NMR spectra and the last one covers practical applications. The students will work out their own project and present the results.
Last update: Hrabal Richard (08.11.2018)
The students who finish successfully the course will be have knowledge about NMR spectroscopy and the practical applications of varius experimental techniques that will be useful for their own work. The will learn how to set up not only simple 1D experiments, but also more advanced 2D techniques. The will have knowledge and expertise in processing the data and spectra interpretation. They will also get knowledge about various applications of NMR spectroscopy in many fields of research and industry. Last update: Hrabal Richard (12.07.2018)
R: H. Friebolin: Basic One- and Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy. Wiley-Vch 1998 R: J.K.M. Sanders, B.K. Hunter: Modern NMR Spectroscopy – a guide for chemists. Oxford University Press 1994 R: H.Gunther: NMR Spectroscopy. John Wiley 1995 A: R.R. Ernst,G. Bodenhausen, A. Wokaun: Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in One and Two Dimensions. Oxford University Press 1987 Last update: Hrabal Richard (12.07.2018)
http://www.vscht.cz/nmr/predmet/predmet-nmr.html Last update: Hrabal Richard (12.07.2018)
The first block of the course is devoted to the explanation of the fundaments of NMR spectroscopy. The students will learn about the basic building blocks of NMR experiments, principles of two and multidimensional experiments. nuclear relaxation, chemical exchange, conformational analysis and the principles of how NMR spectrometer works. The second block is a seminar where the students will learn how to interpret NMR spectra, using databases, conformational analysis, utilizing chemical exchange and multinuclear NMR experiments. At the end of this block projects will be assigned to the students, who will begin to work on them. The last block is about various practical applications of the method like NMR of biological systems, study of interactions, quantitative NMR analysis, magnetic resonance imaging and solid phase NMR. The last seminar is devoted to students' presentations. Last update: Hrabal Richard (08.11.2018)
Základní znalosti z předmětů biochemie, fyzikální, anorganická a organická chemie, fyzika. Last update: Hrabal Richard (12.07.2018)
Nejsou Last update: Hrabal Richard (12.07.2018)
Working out a project and prezentation of the results Written test and optional oral exam. Last update: Hrabal Richard (12.07.2018)