1. M. Kubíček., M. Dubcová., D. Janovská: Numerické metody a algoritmy, VŠCHT Praha 2005 2. M. Kubíček: Numerické algoritmy řešení chemicko- inženýrských úloh. SNTL 1983 3. M. Kubíček: Výpočtový seminář, SNTL - VŠCHT 1984.
Last update: SMIDOVAL (07.02.2006)
1. Interpolation, difference formulas, quadrature formulas. 2. Methods of linear algebra. 3. Systems of nonlinear equations. Newton method. 4. Linear and nonlinear regression. Gauss-Newton method. 5. Initial value problem for ODE´s. One-step methods. 6. Multistep methods. 7. Stability. Error estimation. 8. Stiff systems. A-stable methods. 9. Boundary value problem for ODE´s. 10. Finite-difference methods. 11. Shooting methods. 12. Finite-difference methods for PDE´s of parabolic type. 13. Methods of lines. 14. Finite-difference methods for PDE´s of elliptic type. Last update: SMIDOVAL (07.02.2006)