1. Biosphere formation.
2.-3. Microbial diversity and its levels, analysis of microbial diversity, phylogenetic markers, metagenomics and other "-omics" in environmental microbiology.
4. Microbial fueling.
5. Structure and organization of microbial communities.
6. Microbial interactions.
7. Communication of microorganisms, quorum sensing, biofilms.
8.-10. Biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, iron, halogens, role of microorganisms in these cycles, biocorosion.
11. Contamination of the environment, classification of pollutants, persistent organic pollutants.
12. Metabolic logic, cometabolism, evolution of biodegradation pathways, biodegradation of persistent compounds.
13. Bioremediation - methods using microorganisms to remove xenobiotics from the environment.
14. New trends in environmental microbiology. Last update: Uhlík Ondřej (12.06.2018)