Thermodynamic calculations are common part of theoretical modeling of various processes of preparation, treating and utilization of materials. The course Equilibria in Heterogeneous Systems is focused on this field and, in advanced form, goes over pVT relations and thermodynamic properties of solids, experimental as well as theoretical (computational) methods for their determination and methodology of phase and chemical equilibrium calculations in complex heterogeneous systems (including systems with significant influence of surfaces and interfaces). Practical demonstrations of the FacfSage system and model thermodynamic calculations are also included.
Last update: TAJ126 (14.05.2014)
Right solution at least of two from three exercises assigned as individual homework. At least 50% successfulness at the exam test. Last update: TAJ126 (14.05.2014)
R:Leitner J., Voňka P.: Termodynamika materiálů, skripta VŠCHT, Praha 1992. Skripta jsou dostupná na webu: http://www.vscht.cz/ipl/termodyn/termmatskr.htm). A:Gaskell D.R.: Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials, 5th Edition (618 pp), Taylor & Francis (2008). A:DeHoff R.: Thermodynamics in Materials Science, 2nd Edition (624 pp), CRC Press (2006).
Powerpoint presentations are available at http://www.vscht.cz/ipl/TM4.html Last update: Leitner Jindřich (15.09.2015)
1.PVT equations of state and thermodynamic properties of solids under high pressures, magnetic contribution to thermodynamic functions, extrapolation of heat capacity of solids and liquids out of range of their stability. 2.Substitutional solutions, mixing and excess properties of N-component solutions, dilute solutions. 3.Sublattice model for solid solutions (ordered alloys, solutions of stoichiometric compounds, interstitial solutions). 4.Associate solution model for liquids, sublattice model for ionic melts. 5.Experimental methods for determination of thermodynamic data for solids. 6.Experimental methods for phase equilibria and construction of phase diagram from experimental data. 7.Methods for estimation of thermodynamic properties of solids. 8.Ab-initio calculations and thermodynamic properties of solids. 9. Thermodynamic description of oxide systems (stoichiometric solid oxides and their solutions, non-stoichiometric solid oxides, oxidic melts). 10. Calculation of phase equilibria and construction of phase diagram from thermodynamic data, thermodynamic description of partially open systems Me-O. 11.Calculation of complex equilibria in multicomponent heterogeneous systems by Gibbs energy minimization method, equilibria in ionic systems (aqueous solution of electrolytes, ionic melts). 12.Thermodynamics of surfaces and interfaces (structure of surfaces, surface energy, surface stress). 13.Influence of surfaces and interfaces on phase and chemical equilibria (vapour pressure, melting, solid-state transformation). 14.FactSage and its application for thermodynamic calculations. Last update: TAJ126 (14.05.2014)
Students will be able to: Apply proper thermodynamic models for various types of melts and solid solutions. Assess reliability of experimentally determined, empirically estimated and theoretical calculated thermodynamic data. Calculate of equilibrium composition of complex heterogeneous systems including those with significant influence of surfaces and interfaces. Last update: TAJ126 (14.05.2014)
Coursework assessment | |
Form | Significance |
Report from individual projects | 40 |
Examination test | 60 |