SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Course, academic year 2015/2016
Microbiology in Water Treatment - D217004
Title: Mikrobiologie v technologii vody
Guaranteed by: Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering (217)
Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Technology
Actual: from 2013 to 2016
Semester: both
Points: 0
E-Credits: 0
Examination process:
Hours per week, examination: 0/0, other [HT]
Capacity: winter:unknown / unknown (unknown)
summer:unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course is intended for doctoral students only
can be fulfilled in the future
you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
Guarantor: Říhová Ambrožová Jana doc. RNDr. Ph.D.
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
Branch deals with microbiology and its application in water technology, with respect to water and wastewater treatment technologies. This, mainly applied branch, is completed by valid legislation, new methods and processes in water and wastewater treatment technologies. In brief, there are mentioned principles of taxonomy and simplified systematic summary of organisms, i.e. eubacteria and micromycetes. The bioindication of microorganisms and relation to ecological water pollution is solved in detail. Fundamental, in this branch, is practical part, that is sight on specific groups of organisms, their signification, means of detection and cultivation. Concept and content object of study is individually adapted with respect on experience and knowledge of aspirant and further is adjusted to the theme solved by dissertation thesis.
Last update: Říhová Ambrožová Jana (08.11.2011)
Literature -

R:Ambrožová J.,Mikrobiologie v technologii vod,Skriptum VŠCHT Praha,244 pp. ISBN 80-7080-534-X.

R:Ambrožová J.,Aplikovaná a technická hydrobiologie,Skriptum VŠCHT Praha,226 pp.,2001,80-7080-463-7

R:Ambrožová J.,Mikroskopické praktikum z hydrobiologie,Skriptum VŠCHT Praha,183 pp.,2002,80-7080-496-3

R:Ambrožová J.,Aplikovaná a technická hydrobiologie,Skriptum VŠCHT Praha,226 pp.,2003,80-7080-521-8

A:Říhová Ambrožová J.,Encyklopedie hydrobiologie,elektronická verze 1.0,2007,978-80-7080-007-2

A:Sládečková A.,Sládeček V.,Ambrožová J.,Kočí V.,Biologická kontrola čistíren odpadních vod a jejich vlivu na recipienty,Hydroprojekt CZ,118 pp.,2002

A:Kolektiv autorů (Ambrožová J.,Černý I.,Frank K.,Hanslík E.,Herčík L.,Hlaváč V.,Hušková R.,Komínek J.,Komp P.,Mergl V.,Nepovím J.,Ondroušek J.,Pitter P.,Pytl V.,Rauová M.,Růžička J.),Příručka provozovatele úpravny pitné vody,206,2005,80-239-4565-3

A:Barták Z.,Lišková Š.,Marešová I.,Říhová Ambrožová J.,Pastuzsek F.,Pitter P.,Teoretické základy vodovodní a kanalizační infrastruktury - hydrologie, hydraulika, hydrogeologie, hydrochemie, hydrobiologie,152 pp,2007,ISBN 978-80-87140-01-7

A:Hubáčková,J.,Slavíčková K.,Říhová Ambrožová J.,Změny jakosti při její dopravě,ISBN 80-85900-66-1

A:Říhová Ambrožová J.,Biologický monitoring chladicích vod. Technické doporučení I-F-23,Hydroprojekt CZ,2006

A:Říhová Ambrožová J.,Hubáčková J.,Čiháková I.,Konstrukční uspořádání, provoz a údržba vodojemů.Technické doporučení,2008

A:Říhová Ambrožová J.,Encyklopedie hydrobiologie,elektronická verze 1.0,2007,ISBN 978-80-7080-007-2

Last update: TAJ217 (23.03.2014)
Syllabus -

1.Taxonomy and taxonomy characterization of bacteria and micromycetes in water technology.

2.Physiological groups of microorganism and their bioindication signification.

3.Hygienic significant (relevant), pathogenic microorganisms and conditionaly patogenic microorganisms.

4.Methods of studies of micro-organism.

5.Method used in convention microbiological practice, field and operation, in sciences and research.

6.Usage, screening and ready-to-use methods available in filed and practise.

7.Study of material properties, preparations and elimination procedures (technology) on microorganisms, inhibition testing procedure of microorganisms regrowth in systems.

8.Biological method on molecular level.

9.Legislative framework in sphere of water and water technologies.

10.Biological audit of water treatment, wastewater treatment and industrial plants.

11.Practical part: microscopy and cultivation.

Last update: Říhová Ambrožová Jana (27.02.2014)
Learning resources -

Last update: Říhová Ambrožová Jana (27.02.2014)
Learning outcomes -

Students will be able to:

Apply sampling methods and sunsequently methods of study and evaluation.

Use knowledge of bioindication to evaluate the technologies (water treatment and waste water treatment).

Handle microscope and preparates.

Carry out cultivation techniques.

Last update: Říhová Ambrožová Jana (27.02.2014)
Coursework assessment
Form Significance
Defense of an individual project 30
Report from individual projects 40
Oral examination 30