The course focuses on the principles of separation by liquid chromatography, the column selection, mobile phase, and detection. Special focus is given to the selection and optimization of chromatographic conditions. Development and validation of analytical methods is discussed in detail. In specific cases the various problems and their solutions are discussed. Attention focusses on the use of liquid chromatography in analysis of foods and natural products (monitoring of biologically active substances) and residual analysis.
Last update: Schulzová Věra (03.03.2014)
written examination project presentation and discussion Last update: Schulzová Věra (03.03.2014)
Books Food Analysis by HPLC - Nollet (2000) Practical HPLC - Meyer (1996) Practical HPLC Method development - L.R.Snyder, J.J. Kirkland, J. L. Glajch (1997) LC/MS a practical users guide - M. C. McMaster (2005) Pitfalls and Errors of HPLC in Pictures - V. R. Meyer (2006)
electronic book: HPLC and CE: Principles and Practice Andrea Weston and Phyllis R. Brown (1997) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780121366407
Journals: Journal of Chromatography Chromatographia LC-GC International Journal of Liquid Chromatography
www LC Troubleshooting: http://www.lcgceurope.com/lcgceurope/article/articleList.jsp?categoryId=535 HPLC guide http://www.separationsnow.com/coi/cda/home.cda;jsessionid=4EAB9422438DB4C4A206CBBE16FD089A?chId=4 High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC): A Users Guide http://kerouac.pharm.uky.edu/ASRG/HPLC/hplcmytry.html http://kerouac.pharm.uky.edu/asrg/hplc/applications.html Practical HPLC Method Development, 2nd Edition (Hardcover) http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/047100703X/entertmusicvi-20/103-0437811-9739029 Links to Various Resources, topics, courses http://www.forumsci.co.il/HPLC/links.html HPLC Chromatography Books http://www.chromtech.net.au/amazon-hplc-books1.cfm Basic Liquid Chromatography http://hplc.chem.shu.edu/NEW/HPLC_Book/ HPLC portal http://www.hplcweb.com/ The HPLC troubleshooter http://www.dq.fct.unl.pt/QOF/hplcts.html useful HPLC links http://www.lcresources.com/resources/reslinks.html e-learning HPLC http://www.academysavant.com/elearning/elearnHPLC Last update: Schulzová Věra (28.02.2014)
1 Introduction, principles of separation, main principles 2 New trends 3 Mobile phases 4 Methods development - optimization of the chromatographic separation process 5 Factors affecting the HPLC determination 6 Problems in HPLC and their solutions 7 Detection - conventional detectors 8 Detection - mass detectors 9 Derivatization techniques, injection techniques 10 Application of HPLC in food analysis 11 Application of LC / MS analysis of food 12 Case studies and their presentation 13 Case studies and their presentation 14 The final test, examination Last update: Schulzová Věra (03.03.2014)
http://web.vscht.cz/schulzov Last update: Schulzová Věra (28.02.2014)
Students will be able to:
Last update: Schulzová Věra (03.03.2014)
Analytical Chemistry Food Analysis Last update: Schulzová Věra (28.02.2014)
Coursework assessment | |
Form | Significance |
Regular attendance | 10 |
Defense of an individual project | 30 |
Examination test | 60 |