The course focuses on understanding of the waste formation and the basic procedure for its disposal in the food industry and agriculture, areas closely related to the food industry. In the first part, students will learn the basic methods of disposal, such as with the processes of landfilling, combustion, etc., and with biological methods of disposal such as composting and methanization. Subsequently, there will be described the basic food technologies in the context of the of waste formation. The course also deals with problems related to waste resulting from accidents, with utilizing of waste as secondary raw materials, recycling processes and issues of food packaging materials.
Last update: Horsáková Iveta (21.10.2015)
Creation of individual project on an assigned topic and its’ eventual presentation Oral examination Last update: Horsáková Iveta (25.10.2015)
Z:Marek M.; Opatová H.; Voldřich M.: Odpady a druhotné suroviny v zemědělsko-potravinářském komplexu, Svazek 32. 1. vyd. Ostrava, 1996, ISBN 80-7078-382-6. D: Wang L. K., Hung Y., Lo H. H., Yapijakis C.: Waste Treatment in the Food Processing Industry, vyd. Tailor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, LLC, 2006, ISBN 0-8493-7236-4 D:Oreopoulou V., Russ W.: Utilization of By-Products and Treatment of Waste in the Food Industry, svazek 3. 1. vyd. Springer Science+Business Media, New York, LLC, 2007, ISBN-13: 978-0387-33511-7. D:Kuraš M.: Odpady, jejich využití a zneškodňování, Praha,Český ekologický ústav 1994, ISBN 80-85087-32-4. D: Jelínek, A. et al.: Hospodaření a manipulace s odpady ze zemědělství a venkovských sídel. Ing. František Savov, Praha, 2001. Last update: Horsáková Iveta (25.10.2015)
Self-instruction, consultations, attending the lectures of the subject "Use and waste disposal from agricultural and food industry"- N324009 Last update: Horsáková Iveta (25.10.2015)
1. The basic comprehensions, creation and type sof a wastes, hazardous wastes 2. The energy sources - renewable x non-renewable (nuclear, coal, solar, water and win power plants, the utilization of biomass). 3. Agricultural basic industry (plant and animal productions). Forestry and wood processing. 4. Food productions wastes (Diary industry, fats and oil production) 5. Food productions wastes (sugar industry, brewing industry, alcohol industry, wine production) 6. Food productions wastes (starch and flour productions, food and vegetables processing, tobacco industry, coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate productions) 7. Food productions wastes (meat industry, rendering plant waste processing, drinking water, soft drinks industry) 8. Waste disposal (waste decking, solidification, wet oxidation) 9. Waste disposal (waste combustion, pyrolysis, gasification) 10. Waste disposal - biological processes (methanisation, composting, waste water processing) 11. Waste sorting usable by-products, recycling 12. Waste formation prevention, packaging materials 13. Accident wastes and environment decontamination 14. Excursions - ZEVO (incineration plant) / PVaK (waste water treatment plant) Last update: Horsáková Iveta (25.10.2015)
Students will be able to: Identify sources and pathways of waste formation. Describe the basic methods of waste disposal. Term the individual wastes from food processing and describe their disposal or recovery methods. Devise the possibility of using waste as secondary raw materials for next production. Make a proposal for technology with minimized waste. Last update: Horsáková Iveta (21.10.2015)
Are not required Last update: Horsáková Iveta (25.10.2015)