The course is aimed at getting acquainted with the general principles of both creating relational databases and data modelling, including design of data warehouses. The specific database environment consists of query language Transact-SQL and other tools of SYBASE database engine. The course includes the study of methods for creating of data models in using PowerDesigner design system and futher generating physical and conceptual data model from an existing database and its enlargement. Attention is paid to the sharing of data models for teamwork too.
Last update: Hanta Vladimír (01.07.2013)
R: Groff, J. R., Weinberg, P. N.: SQL: The Complete Reference, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 2002, 0-07-222560-2. R: Kimball R., Ross, M.: The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling, J.Wiley, 2002, 0-471-20024-7. Last update: Hanta Vladimír (01.07.2013)
Přednášky a výpočetní semináře Tvorba jednoduchých a pokročilých dotazů SQL Analýza projektů, tvorba konceptuálního, logického a fyzického datového modelu Práce v prostředí databázového systému Sybase a modelovacího nástroje Power Designer Vypracování a prezentace samostatných komplexních projektů Last update: Hanta Vladimír (13.11.2012)
1. Introduction to database systems 2. Concept of relational databases 3. ER data modelling and model normalization 4. Data modelling using in PowerDesigner program, creation and management of conceptual data model 5. Definition of rules; creating data items, entities, attributes; creating and defining relationships 6. Generating physical data model, creation of views , alternative keys and indexes, generating databases 7. Simple SQL queries , conditional queries, aggregate functions 8. SQL joining(multitables queries), subqueries 9. Overview of relational database concepts, creating tables, modifying data in tables 10. Use of constraints, defaults, and rules to ensure data integrity 11. Transactions control and locking in OLTP DB servers, writing of embedded procedures and triggers, cursors 12. Structure and functional parameters of data warehouses, data warehouse and differences in operational OLTP systems 13. Dfinition of metrics and dimensions, OLAP and multidimensional analysis, mining (extraction) of data 14. ETL systems, business reporting - drill, slice and dice techniques Last update: Hanta Vladimír (01.07.2013)
http://moodle.vscht.cz/course/view.php?id=103 Last update: Hanta Vladimír (01.07.2013)
Students will be able to:
Last update: Hanta Vladimír (01.07.2013)
Applications of Computer Science, Database Systems, Database Systems Design Last update: Hanta Vladimír (01.07.2013)
Teaching methods | ||||
Activity | Credits | Hours | ||
Obhajoba individuálního projektu | 0.5 | 14 | ||
Účast na přednáškách | 1 | 28 | ||
Příprava na přednášky, semináře, laboratoře, exkurzi nebo praxi | 0.5 | 14 | ||
Práce na individuálním projektu | 1 | 28 | ||
Účast na seminářích | 1 | 28 | ||
4 / 4 | 112 / 112 |
Coursework assessment | |
Form | Significance |
Regular attendance | 20 |
Report from individual projects | 20 |
Defense of an individual project | 10 |
Report from individual projects | 40 |
Continuous assessment of study performance and course -credit tests | 10 |