The course objective is production of drinking water from underground and surface raw water. Fundamental processes of water treatment plant including special technologies of underground water treatment (removal of nitrogenous compounds and radio nuclides) are discussed. Special attention is paid to disinfection of drinking water and biological stability of drinking water and to separation and thickening of suspension and sludge including calculation of sedimentation tanks.
Last update: Janda Václav (28.08.2013)
Spinosa L., Vesilind P.A.: Sludge into Biosolids, IWA Publishing, 2001 Foladori P., Andreotola G., Ziglio G.” Sludge reduction technologies in wastewater treatment plants. IWA Publishing, 2010 Last update: SMIDOVAL (04.04.2012)
1. Requirements for drinking water quality 2. Underground water treatment 3. Carbon dioxide equilibrium, removal of agressive carbon dioxide 4. Removal of iron and manganese 5. Removal of gases, radionuclides and nitrogenous compounds 6. Surface water treatment 7. Rough pretreatment, clarification 8. Average velocity gradient of mixing, mixing of suspensions, calculation of mixing devices 9. Clarifiers 10. Separation of suspensions by sedimentation 11. Sludge thickening and treatment, design and calculation of sedimentation tanks 12. Filtration, filters used in drinking water treatment technologie 13. Design and calculation of filters 14. Disinfection of drinking water Last update: Janda Václav (06.02.2014)
http://www.vscht.cz/homepage/tvp-en/index Last update: Janda Václav (28.08.2013)
Students will be able to: understand principles and design fundamental processes and technologies for undergroud and surface water treatment. Last update: Janda Václav (28.08.2013)
Hydrochemistry Last update: Janda Václav (28.08.2013)