Instrumental methods used in analysis of organic and inorganic compounds in water including sample preparation are discussed: separation methods (chromatography - GC, GC-MS, HPLC, capillary isotachophoresis, ionic chromatography), spectral methods (AAS, ICP), total organic carbon (TOC), adsorbable and extractable organically bound halogens (AOX, EOX) and hydrocarbon index. Applicability of the methods is demonstrated during excursions. Last update: Janda Václav (28.08.2013)
J. Pawlyszin: Solid phase microextraction; theory and practice, Wiley-VCH, New York 1997, ISBN 0-471-19034-9 http://www.sciencedirect.com/ Last update: Janda Václav (28.08.2013)
1. Organics in water, required detection limits, principles of GC and HPLC, detection systems I 2. Organics in water, required detection limits, principles of GC and HPLC, detection systems II 3. Enrichment techniques I 4. Enrichment techniques II, analyses of pesticides, PAHs, PCBs, volatiles; derivatization techniques 5. Capillary isotachophoresis 6. Atomic absorption spectroscopy, heavy metals 7. Total organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon, purgeable organic carbon 8. Adsorbable and extractable organic halogens 9. Ionic chromatography 10. Genus probes 11. Excursion - practical examples I 12. Excursion - practical examples II 13. Excursion - practical examples III 14. Test Last update: Janda Václav (06.02.2014)
http://www.sciencedirect.com/ Last update: Janda Václav (28.08.2013)
Students will have knowledge about instrumental analytical methods used for water analysis. Last update: Janda Václav (28.08.2013)
Analytical Chemistry I Last update: Janda Václav (28.08.2013)