SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Course, academic year 2015/2016
Food and Natural Products Analysis: Laboratory - S323003
Title: Food and Natural Products Analysis: Laboratory
Guaranteed by: Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition (323)
Faculty: Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
Actual: from 2013 to 2020
Semester: winter
Points: winter s.:3
E-Credits: winter s.:3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/5, MC [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Additional information:
Guarantor: Kohoutková Jana Ing. Ph.D.
Schulzová Věra doc. Dr. Ing.
Poustka Jan prof. Dr. Ing.
Examination dates   Schedule   
Laboratory exercises are focused on the application of modern methods of analysis of selected components of the food used in everyday practice. The content of each exercise is in line with the current requirements of routine food analysis; however the tasks reflecting the most recent trends are also included. Students perform measurements on devices and equipment to gain experience with the practical realization of analytical procedures, data evaluation and subsequent processing into the desired form in accordance with legislative requirements.
Last update: Poustka Jan (16.07.2013)
Course completion requirements

The fulfillment of all tasks (except for doctor excused - only for two jobs) - minimum protocols grade: E, written midterm test (required)

Last update: Poustka Jan (16.07.2013)

• Přednášky a další materiály na www stránkách v systému elektronických studijních opor

• Otles S. (ed.): Handbook of Food Analysis Instruments. CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 2009, e-zdroje VŠCHT

• Wrolstad R.E. et al. Handbook of Food Analytical Chemistry, Wiley, 2005, e-zdroj VŠCHT

• Food Analytical Methods, elektronický časopis, Springer, e-zdroj VŠCHT

Last update: Poustka Jan (16.07.2013)

1. Introductory briefing: Operating instructions, health and safety at work, fire protection, verification of knowledge - writtern test

2. Determination of total nitrogen in food and crude protein calculation (Kjeldahl method)

3. Determination of fat and its quality evaluation (methods: Soxhlet, titration)

4. Determination of fatty acids (method: Gas chromatography with flame ionization detection)

5. Determination of monosaccharides and oligosaccharides (method: titration after inversion)

6. Determination of starch content (method: polarimetry)

7. Determination of mineral elements (methods: atomic absorption spectrometry, spectrophotometry, titration)

8. Determination of vitamins, caffeine, antioxidants and preservatives (method: liquid chromatography with UV detection)

9. Determination of volatile compounds - proof of food adulteration(method: gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection)

10. Determination of monosaccharides and oligosaccharides (method: HPLC with refractometric detection and evaporative light scattering detection)

11. Image analysis in food quality evaluation(method: mathematical-statistical analysis of image dates)

12. Optional exercise [I, II, III]

13. Alternative terms

14. Control test, laboratory cleaning

Last update: Poustka Jan (16.07.2013)
Learning resources

Last update: Poustka Jan (16.07.2013)
Learning outcomes

Students will be able to:

Carried out the practical realization of the methods applied for the determination of basic food ingredients.

Operate devices and equipment in accordance with the requirements of the realization of analytical methods in food analysis.

Evaluate and interpret measured data and then to process them into the desired form in accordance with legislative requirements.

Last update: Poustka Jan (16.07.2013)
Entry requirements

Fulfilled examination in Analytical Chemistry I (N402002)

At least 10 students for the Laboratory course opening are required.

In the case of an alternative date announcement (10-12 students during summer examination period) in addition to fulfilled examination in Analytical Chemistry I the fulfilled examination in Food and Natural Products Analysis is required. Priority is given to students who fulfilled examination in Analytical Chemistry I in the period after the regular term of the Laboratory course.

Last update: Poustka Jan (16.07.2013)
Registration requirements

Food Chemistry - N323001 a Analytical Chemistry I - N402002

Last update: Poustka Jan (16.07.2013)