The course provides basic overview of quantitative description of processes taking place in enzyme catalysis and in bioreactors. It build on the principles of chemical engineering, notably on mass and energy balances with the use of kinetic relations for mass transfer and for the biochemical conversion. Student will learn about enayme processes and bioprocesses but also about unit operations preceding or following the bioreaction. Last update: Schreiber Igor (30.08.2013)
Z: Shuler M. L., Kargi F., Bioprocess Engineering. Basic Concepts, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 2002, 0-13-081908-5 D: Doran P., Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Academic Press, 1995, New York, 9780122208553 Last update: Schreiber Igor (30.08.2013)
1. Introduction to the studies. Engineering and biological access to problem solving (production penicillin). 2. Basic piece of knowledge from cellulate biology. 3. Enzymes: classification, molecular structure, common characteristics and characteristics of enzymes. 4. Enzyme system kinetics, kinetic models, determination of kinetic parameters. 5. Immobilization of enzymes and microbial cells, used techniques and methods. 6. Transport processes in systems with immobilize enzymes. Manufacturing of enzymes, application of enzymes. 7. Simulation of kinetics microbial growth and performance metabolites, stoichiometry. 8. Influence of cultural conditions on kinetics of growth microbial cells. 9. Cellular growth and performance metabolites in batch cultures. 10. Cellular growth and performance metabolites in continuous cultures. 11. Fermenters, selection cultural method, bath and continuous bioreactors. 12. Simulation of fermenters, immobilize microbial cell, fermentation solid - state. Transmission masses. 13. Scale-up criteria, running and drive bioreactors. Simulation of bioreactors. 14. Aeration, sterilization. Last update: Schreiber Igor (10.09.2013)
see recommended literature Last update: Schreiber Igor (30.08.2013)
Student will be able to: apply chemical engineering methods to biological processes describe kinetics of biomass and product formation describe quantitatively and design a simple bioreactor - chemostat Last update: Schreiber Igor (27.09.2013)
Unit operations of Chemical Engineering I Last update: Schreiber Igor (30.08.2013)