The subject significantly extends the theoretical and practical knowledge of infrared and Raman spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, liquid and gas chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and other method of instrumental analyses. Emphasis is given on applying these methods to samples of crude oil fractions, biofuels, all components of the environment and the correct interpretation of the results. The subject is taught modularly according to the chosen analytical method. Student will choose at least two of the four offered modules.
Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)
Individual project development Successful completion of the final written test Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)
B: Harvey D: Modern Analytical Chemistry; McGraw-Hill Companies: New York, 2000, ISBN: 0-07-237547-7. B: Draffin N.: An Introduction to Fuel Analysis; Petrospot Limited: Banbury, UK, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-9548097-3-7. B: Gross J.H.: Mass spectrometry: a textbook; Springer Science & Business Media: Berlin, 2006. ISBN: 978-3-319-54398-7. B: Fanali S., Haddad P., Poole C., Schoenmakers P., Lloyd D.: Liquid Chromatography: Fundamentals and Instrumentation; Elsevier: Oxford, UK, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-12-415807-8. B: Dettmer-Wilde K., Engewald W.: Practical Gas Chromatography: A Comprehensive Reference; Springer: Berlin, 2014. ISBN: 978-3-642-54639-6. B: Griffiths P.R., de Haseth J.A.: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, John Wiley a Sons, New York
Last update: Šimáček Pavel (02.07.2024)
None Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)
The subject is divided into 4 modules (blocks) according to the dominant method. Part of each module is the elaboration of a project, which will consist of analysis of samples, selected by student or delivered by lecturer, by selected methods and analysis of the results obtained. Block I - Infrared and Raman spectrometry. Calculation methods, modelling spectra, visualization of spectra, work with databases, Internet sources of spectral information, mathematical processing of qualitative and qualitative analyses. Techniques for measuring spectra of organic and inorganic samples, different states, differences in the measurement of chemical individuals and mixtures, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis and preparation of calibration samples. Interpretation of spectra, mutual correlation of spectral information. Experimental solution to the problem, analysis plan, choice of combination of analytical methods for solving the problem, final report and presentation of results. Block II. Mass spectrometry Principles, instrumentation, GC-MS and LC-MS connection, direct input to the spectrometer source, sample preparation and own measurements (low, high resolution), qualitative and quantitative analysis, evaluation of results and interpretation of spectra, work with databases, characterization of the structure of the molecule (EI +70 eV, MS-MS), analysis of mixtures of organic substances, development of GC-MS and LC-MS methods, examples of use, experimental solution of the problem, final project and presentation of results. Block III. Nuclear magnetic resonance Principle and NMR instrumentation. NMR techniques (1H, 13C, two-dimensional NMR, NMR tomography), sample measurement, noise minimization. Interpretation of spectra, chemical shift, simple spectra, interpretation of 1H spectra of complex hydrocarbon samples, biodiesel spectrum, 13C NMR spectra of complex hydrocarbon samples. Use of NMR data for complex analysis of complex hydrocarbon mixtures (Brown-Ladner, Clutter, Williams). Experimental solution of the problem (structural characterization of products of preparative group analysis of high boiling petroleum fractions), plan of analysis, choice of combination of analytical methods for solution of the problem, final report and presentation of results. Block IV. Atomic absorption, emission and X-ray spectrometry Principle and instrumentation of atomic absorption spectrometry. Principle and instrumentation of optical emission spectrometry. Principle and instrumentation of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Use of AAS, ICP OES and XRF for fuel analysis (sulfur, manganese, iron). Use of AAS, ICP OES, XRF and XRD for analysis and characterization of catalysts (usability for elementary phase analysis, matrix influence, interference of determination). Experimental solution of own problem (analysis of selected samples, comparison of results obtained by various methods), analysis plan, choice of combination of analytical methods for solving the given problem, final report and presentation of results.
Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)
Students will gain knowledge about the use of the selected analytical methods for the needs of their own scientific projects. Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)
Basic knowledge of organic and inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, structural analysis Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)
None Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)