Mass transfer in a continuous phase as well as the interfacial mass transfer are studied. Multicomponent mass transfer, molecular diffusion, turbulent diffusion and axial dispersion are described. Further the absorption accompanied by chemical reaction is studied, including the definition of interfacial mass transfer modes in dependency on the accompanying reaction kinetics.
Last update: Pátková Vlasta (16.11.2018)
Bird R.B., Steward W.E., Lightfoot E.N.: Transport Phenomena, John Wiley & Sons 2002 Cussler E.L.: Diffusion, Cambridge University Press 2009 Last update: Pátková Vlasta (16.11.2018)
1. Basic mass transfer concepts such as mass transfer rate, molar fluxes, mass transfer resistance, mass transfer driving forces, molecular diffusivity and eddy diffusivity, mass transfer coefficients.
2. Basis for the mechanism of molecular diffusion.
3. Prediction of diffusivity for gases and liquids.
4. Steady-state diffusion, diffusion with convection, film theory.
5. Unsteady-state diffusion, penetration and surface-renewal theories.
6. Diffusion and chemical reaction, enhancement factor.
7. Estimation of mass transfer coefficients from correlation equations.
8. Mass transfer in a laminar boundary layer. Last update: Pátková Vlasta (16.11.2018)
www.vscht.cz/uchi Last update: Pátková Vlasta (16.11.2018)
After completing the course, student will have more detailed knowledge on physico-chemical phenomena, which play key roles in industrial process design. The subject broadens basic knowledge got in the course on Unit Operations, teaches to understand mass transfer phenomena and givesthe ability to more precisely analyze the phenomena controlling industrial proces capacity. Last update: Pátková Vlasta (16.11.2018)
Unit Operations II Mathematics II Last update: Pátková Vlasta (16.11.2018)
Unit Operations II Mathematics II Last update: Pátková Vlasta (16.11.2018)