One of the most important trends in the plasics development is represented by a multicomponent plastics systems creation which enables a desired large variation in the quality of polymeric materials. Significant improvements in the properties can be reached via their additivation. Additives can be conveniently classified according to their function into various classes and subdivided according to their more specific function. According to their mode of action in polymer, additives can be divided also into processing additives, flexibilisers,anti-ageing additives,surface properties modifiers,optical properties modifiers,fire retardants and foaming additives.
Last update: Hladíková Jana (04.01.2018)
Absolvování dvou testů s úspěšností minimálně 50%, případně ústní zkouška,testy i zkouška vychází ze studijních okruhů specifikovaných osnovou přednášek. Last update: Kalousková Radka (15.02.2018)
R:Zweifel H. a kol.,Plastics Additives Handbook, Carl Hanser Verlag. Munich 2009, ISBN 978-1-56990-430-5 R:Mleziva J.:Polymery-struktura,vlastnosti a použití, sobotáles,Praha 1993. ISBN 80-85920-72-7. Last update: Hladíková Jana (04.01.2018)
Lectures and continuous testing (3 written tests). Last update: Hladíková Jana (04.01.2018)
Testing by means of 3 tests is performed during the semester. Last update: Hladíková Jana (04.01.2018)
1.Introduction. inluence of polymer structure on their properties and processing. Additives clasification 2.Thermal stabilizers, HCl scavengers 3.Antioxidants, principles of oxidative degradation 4.Light stabilizers 5.Antimicrobials..Ignition ihibitor,self-extinguishing additives. 6.Plasticizers, blending,softening theory 7.Clasification ond characterization of plasticizers. Paste. 8.Lubricants,internal and external effect. Anti-blocking and slip additives. 9.Antifogging and antistatic agents. 10.Blowing agents 11.Modifiers of thoughness.Theory of action.Viscosity depresants. 12.Fillers and reinforcements, coupling agents 13.Pigments and dyes. 14.Polymer blends.
Last update: Kalousková Radka (19.01.2018)
Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, J. Wiley&Sons accesible at http://www.vscht.cz/pol/ Last update: Hladíková Jana (04.01.2018)
Students will be able to: Understand the relationships between structure, properties and transformation of thermoplastics and aditives for plastics. Last update: Hladíková Jana (04.01.2018)
Last update: Kubová Petra (04.02.2020)