Second part of the introductional programming course. Students will learn how to apply Python to practical problems (databases, their web interfaces, text search, graphing, structured data processing...) and other necessary techniques (versioning systems...).
Last update: Znamenáček Jiří (14.12.2023)
R: Necaise, Rance D.: "Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python". John Wiley & Sons, 2011. ISBN 978-0-470-61829-5 R: Oppel, Andrew J.: "Databases Demystified". McGraw-Hill/Osborne, 2004. ISBN 007-225364-9 R: Töpfer, Pavel: "Algoritmy a programovací techniky". Prometheus, Praha 2010 (1995). ISBN 978-80-7196-350-9 A: Brown, Tiffany B.; Butters, Kerry; Panda, Sandeep: "Jump Start HTML5". Sitepoint, 2014. ISBN 978-0980285826 A: Scott, Michael L.: "Programming Language Pragmatics". Morgan Kaufmann, 2009. ISBN 978-0123745149 A: Aho, Alfred V.; Lam, Monica S.; Sethi, Ravi; Ullman, Jeffrey D.: "Compilers -- Principles, Techniques, & Tools (Second Edition)". Pearson Education, 2007. ISBN 978-0321486813 A: Matoušek, Jiří; Nešetřil, Jaroslav: "Kapitoly z diskrétní matematiky". Karolinum, Praha 2010. ISBN 978-80-2461-740-4 Last update: Znamenáček Jiří (14.12.2023)
Zápočet -- body za domácí úkoly Zkouška -- praktická, komplexnější série programovacích úkolů Při praktické části je povoleno používat libovolné zdroje. Last update: Znamenáček Jiří (14.12.2023)
1. distributed version control systems (git) 2. documentation tests and unit tests 3. working with text using regexp 4. practical usage of Python classes 5. working in Conda 6. database systems and SQL language 7. SQLite database, application of ORM 8. basics of HTTP and HTML5 web technologies 9. project (database) 10. working in the Jupyter Notebook environment 11. Matplotlib -- drawing graphs 12. Numpy -- multidimensional data 13. Pandas -- basics of data processing 14. project (data processing) Last update: Znamenáček Jiří (14.12.2023)
https://Python.org https://DiveIntoPython3.net (Czech translation at http://DiveIntoPython3.py.cz) https://Conda.io https://SQLite.org https://Jupyter.org https://Matplotlib.org https://NumPy.org https://pandas.PyData.org Last update: Znamenáček Jiří (14.12.2023)
Students will be able to: Know the more advanced features of Python and its standard library. Know the basics of working with distributed version control systems (Mercurial, git). Understand the basics of database systems. Understand the basics of data communication over the Internet. Process the most common structured data. Last update: Znamenáček Jiří (14.12.2023)
Fundamentals of Programming (or similar introductory programming course; at least basic knowledge of Python programming language is expected) Last update: Znamenáček Jiří (27.02.2024)