The course expands knowledge of theoretical principles and, in particular, the practical application of selected separation and spectroscopic methods that are applicable for the characterization of conventional and alternative fuels. The course is divided into two basic blocks. In the first block, individual methods of fuel analysis will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on expanding the theoretical and practical knowledge of various analytical methods acquired in the previous years of study. The second block will focus on applying selected analytical techniques in the analysis of conventional and alternative fuels. After completing the course, students will be able to easily navigate the issue of analyzing conventional and alternative fuels. They will understand in detail the principles of individual analytical methods, the differences between them, their practical applications and will be able to choose the appropriate analytical method for the intended application.
Last update: Staš Martin (26.06.2024)
A successful completion of written test and oral exam. Last update: Staš Martin (26.06.2024)
Last update: prepocet_literatura.php (19.12.2024)
Written and oral exam. Last update: Staš Martin (02.05.2024)
1. Introduction and basic classification of analytical methods in fuel analysis. 2. Introduction to separation methods. Basic terms, classification of separation methods, thermodynamics and efficiency of the separation process, and selected separation methods. 3. Introduction to the theory of chromatography. Basic terms, chromatographic separation principle, chromatographic separation methods, chromatographic techniques classification, retention parameters, mechanisms of chromatographic separation, evaluation, and possibilities of influencing chromatographic separation. 4. Gas chromatography in fuel analysis. Principle, classification, and instrumentation. Fundamentals of multidimensional gas chromatography. 5. Liquid chromatography in fuel analysis. Principle, classification, and instrumentation. 6. Mass spectrometry in fuel analysis I. Principle, instrumentation, and ionization techniques. 7. Mass spectrometry in fuel analysis II. Fundamentals of mass spectra interpretation, coupled techniques, and use of mass spectrometry in fuel analysis. 8. Fundamentals of spectrochemical methods. Characteristics and classification of spectrochemical methods. Properties of electromagnetic radiation. Spectra measurement and interpretation techniques. 9. Atomic spectrometry in fuel analysis. Atomic absorption spectrometry, Optical emission spectrometry, and X-ray fluorescence analysis. Principle, instrumentation, and use in fuel analysis. 10. UV-vis and photoluminescence spectrometry techniques in fuel analysis. Principle, instrumentation, and use in fuel analysis. 10. Nuclear magnetic resonance in fuel analysis. Principle, instrumentation, and use in fuel analysis. 11. Determination of hydrocarbon compounds in gaseous and liquid fuels. Types of hydrocarbons in gaseous and liquid fuels, an overview of monitored hydrocarbon compounds, and their determination. 12. Determination of selected elements and non-hydrocarbon compounds in liquid fuels I. Overview of methods. Determination of sulfur, sulfur, and nitrogen compounds in liquid fuels. Determination of other elements in liquid fuels 13. Determination of selected elements and non-hydrocarbon compounds in liquid fuels II. Determination of oxygenated compounds in liquid fuels. 14. Determination of selected elements and non-hydrocarbon compounds in gaseous fuels. Last update: Staš Martin (26.06.2024)
M. Staš et al.: Analysis of Fuels - study text, 2023 (available via e-learning). M. Staš et al.: Hydrocarbon Analysis and Environment - powerpoint presentations (available via e-learning). Last update: Staš Martin (02.05.2024)
Students will orientate themselves in the problematics of basic and advanced analysis of conventional and alternative fuels. Last update: Staš Martin (13.09.2024)
None. Last update: Staš Martin (15.09.2023)