The course is focused on adsorbent materials, their properties, production and use of various types of adsorption materials in the practice. In the lectures, students will learn the basic types of industrially produced adsorbents based on inorganic materials and carbon-based materials, procedures, testing of their properties and areas of their application in technical practice. They are taught the basic theoretical equations and relations used for description of the adsorption (Langmuir, Freundlich, BET, Dubinin), and students will learn how to practically apply these equations to describe adsorption. The next part of the course is focused on the description of the adsorption equipment used in the industry by flue gas purification, purification of sewage and heating gas, potable and waste water cleaning and other adsorption processes used in many other cases.
Last update: Pátková Vlasta (17.01.2018)
The requirement for the successful ending of the course is successful passing of the test and successful passing of the oral examination. Classification of the written and oral parts of the examination, according to the Study and examination regulations University of Chemical Technology Prague, as amended. Last update: Ciahotný Karel (29.01.2018)
Obligatory: Recommended:
Last update: prepocet_literatura.php (19.12.2024)
Zkouška probíhá písemnou a následně ústní formou. Zkouškový test obsahuje 100 otázek, u kterých jsou předepsány vždy tři možné odpovědi; čtvrtá možná odpověď je ponechána prázdná pro případ, že si student nevybere žádnou z předepsaných možností. Doba vyhrazená pro psaní testu činí 60 minut. Hodnocení testu je podle Studijního a zkušebního řádu VŠCHT Praha. Zvládne-li student test napsat na více než 50 %, postupuje dále k ústní zkoušce, u které si vytáhne 2 otázky ze seznamu zkouškových otázek, které jsou součástí studijních podpor. Po přípravě na tyto otázky následuje rozprava se zkoušejícím na tato témata. Celkový výsledek zkoušky je tvořen z jedné třetiny výsledkem písemného testu a ze dvou třetin výsledky, které dosílil student při rozpravě na obě vybrané zkouškové otázky. Last update: Ciahotný Karel (02.05.2024)
1. Theoretical fundamentals of adsorption, the basic terms used in the field of adsorption. 2. Basic mechanisms of adsorption (the differences of physical adsorption and chemisorption, examples). 3. Basic theories of adsorption, adsorption equations and their application in practice. 4. Practical application of adsorption theory in the evaluation of measured data and calculations of the adsorption equipment. 5. Basic types of adsorption materials (activated carbon, zeolite adsorbent, sillicagels) and their characteristics. 6. Significant properties of adsorbents (BET surface area, pore volume ads., strength, bulk density, real and apparent density). 7. Methods of testing of adsorbents (gravimetric, volumetric, flow, static). 8. Basic techniques to production of carbon adsorbents. 9. Basic techniques to production of adsorbents on inorganic basis. 10. Adsorption equipment used in technical practice in cleaning of gaseous mixtures. 11. Adsorption equipment for the treatment of drinking and waste water and for other industrial applications. 12. Design of adsorption device (procedure of device designing, determination of correct operating parameters, calculation examples). 13. The fields of use of adsorbents and adsorption techniques in the technical practice, procedures of reactivation and disposal of used adsorbents. 14. The largest manufacturers of carbon and inorganic adsorbents in the world, the development of world markets.
Last update: Ciahotný Karel (29.01.2018)
Ullmann-encyclopedia of industrial chemistry: http://knihovna.vscht.cz/databaze-intro_cze.html Last update: Pátková Vlasta (17.01.2018)
Students will learn the different types of adsorption materials, their basic properties, area of its application, types of adsorption equipment used in technical practice and their operating conditions.
Last update: Pátková Vlasta (17.01.2018)
Mathematics A Physical Chemistry A Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering A Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (01.02.2018)
Teaching methods | ||||
Activity | Credits | Hours | ||
Účast na přednáškách | 1 | 28 | ||
Příprava na přednášky, semináře, laboratoře, exkurzi nebo praxi | 0.5 | 14 | ||
Příprava na zkoušku a její absolvování | 1.5 | 42 | ||
3 / 3 | 84 / 84 |