The course covers a number of numerical problems the student encounters during the doctoral studies at UCT: numerical methods of linear algebra, interpolation, solution of nonlinear algebraic equations, solution of ordinary and partial differential equations and evaluation of experimental data.
Last update: Dubcová Miroslava (21.09.2018)
Individual project, written exam, oral exam Last update: Dubcová Miroslava (21.09.2018)
Z: M. Kubíček, M. Dubcová, D. Janovská, Numerické metody a algoritmy, VŠCHT Praha 2005, ISBN 80-7080-558-7 J. F. Apperson, An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 2001, ISBN 0-471-31647-4 J. Stoer, R. Bulirsh: Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 3rd ed., Springer New York, 2002,ISBN 978-1441930064 G. I. Marčuk: Metody numerické matematiky, Academia Praha, 1987 E. Vitásek: Numerické metody, SNTL Praha, 1987 M. Holodniok, A. Klíč, M. Kubíček,M. Marek: Metody analýzy nelineárních dynamických modelů, ACADEMIA, 1986 Further literature individually. Last update: Dubcová Miroslava (18.10.2018)
Studying literature and a individual project. Last update: Dubcová Miroslava (21.09.2018)
1. Interpolation, interpolation by spline functions. 2. Difference formulas, quadrature formulas. 3. Methods of linear algebra. 4. Systems of nonlinear equations. Newton method. 5. Initial value problem for ODE´s. One-step methods. 6. Multistep methods. Stability. Error estimation. 7. Stiff systems. A-stable methods. 8. Boundary value problem for ODE´s. Finite-difference methods. 9. Shooting methods. 10. Finite-difference methods for linear PDE´s of parabolic type. 11. Finite-difference methods for nonlinear PDE´s of parabolic type. 12. Methods of lines. 13. Finite-difference methods for PDE´s of elliptic type. 14. Linear and nonlinear regression. 15. Individual projekt. Last update: Dubcová Miroslava (21.09.2018)
Students will learn to choose a suitable numerical method for solution a mathematical model consisting of algebraic or differential equations. Last update: Dubcová Miroslava (21.09.2018)
none Last update: Mareš Jan (03.10.2018)