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Technology skills for project managers (C-K837-0025)
Technology skills for project managers
The course is aimed at students who want to gain an understanding of IT technologies. Students will acquire multiple certificates that allow them to communicate their knowledge and skills. The course focuses on the roles of project managers, business analysts, and practically anyone interested in working in companies utilizing IT. The course utilizes online modules and platforms from various providers. Advanced students will have the opportunity to tailor their studies by delving into more advanced topics. The majority of the instruction takes place through guided self-study. Limited in-person meetings will be conducted during the course to share progress. The course instruction is in English (as the tools are in English), and improving professional language skills will be an additional benefit of the course. Tools from areas such as Low code/no code, data manipulation, methods of work automation, fundamentals of artificial intelligence/machine learning, project management tools, prototyping, remote collaboration tools, and more will be covered during the course.
The course focuses on the roles of project managers, business analysts, and practically anyone interested in working in companies utilizing IT.
Project Management
Starting date: Wednesday 4 October 2023, from 18:00 to 20:00, in person, room 3B Online lecture according to a schedule that will be published at the beginning of the course, face-to-face workshop typically one afternoon per week according to the schedule (can be joined via Teams), additional videos and self-study according to participants' preferences.
For students of all UCT Prague programs
Online application
Course requirements and qualification acquired
aktivní účast jiná
Osvědčení o absolvování programu
nejsou uvedeny
Guarantor and venue
Švecová Lenka doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Department of Economics and Management
Department of Economics and Management
Technology skills for project managers
Dates and duration
winter and summer semester
78 hours
78 hours including 3 attendance meetings. The exact date of the first meeting will be specified.