písemný test seminar thesis |
Osvědčení o absolvování programu | |
6 | |
Management of public institutions with a focus on museums | |
full-time | |
Czech | |
Course for management and professional staff of collecting institutions. The content of the course ranges from the legislative framework of activities with a focus on budgetary rules, through the registration and professional processing of collection objects (CES) to appropriate forms of public presentation (preparation of exhibitions) and museum education. |
Graduates of the course will learn about: - the legislative framework of the activities of state and public museums and galleries (art museums), contributory organizations established by the state or higher territorial self-government units, the contents of the Act on the Protection of Museum Collections and its implementing decree; - the principles of registration of museum collections and their primary processing; - the requirements for the professional processing of collection objects and their publication; - the process of planning, preparation and implementation of long-term museum exhibitions, including basic safety requirements and the principles of architectural design and lighting of museum exhibitions; - the development of an exhibition plan for short-term exhibitions, the preparation and implementation of short-term exhibitions, including the requirements for facility reports and condition reports; - principles and forms of museum education; - the principles of promotion and marketing of long-term exhibitions and short-term exhibitions. |
Management of public institutions with a focus on museums | |
28 hours of direct regular teaching; 4 hours per week every 2nd week, Tuesdays from 17:00; 14 hours of excursions and consultations; 70 hours of guided self-study Topic blocks: - Legal framework of public museums and galleries (art museums) - Registration, conservation and professional treatment of collection objects and their use in long-term museum exhibitions - Exhibition plan, process of preparation and realization of short-term exhibitions and specifics of art museums - Planning and creation of accompanying programmes - Museum education - Marketing of museum exhibitions and programmes |
15 | |
Completion of secondary education (matriculation, school-leaving certificate or final examination). |
Regular attendance, active participation and completion of partial tasks, seminar work |
písemný test seminar thesis |
Osvědčení o absolvování programu | |
6 | |
Savický Nikolaj PhDr. Ph.D. | |
Department of Economics and Management | |
Department of Economics and Management | |
Management of public institutions with a focus on museums |
2023/2024 | |
summer semester | |
05.03.24 | |
1 | |
168 hours | |
28 hours of direct regular teaching; 2-3 hours per week; 14 hours of excursions and consultations; 70 hours of guided self-study |
0 Kč / kurz | |
Pilotní kurz - zdarma - v rámci projektu Adaptace, digitalizace a elektronizace studia VŠCHT Praha (Národní plán obnovy) | |
osvobozeno |
On-line | |
Department of Economics and Management | |
Savický Nikolaj PhDr. Ph.D. | |
nikolaj.savicky@vscht.cz | |
736531005 | |
10.01.2024 - 01.03.2024 | |