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    Informace pro uchazeče do bakalářského studia, kteří dostali odklad na doložení maturitního vysvědčení:

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    Pedagogické oddělení VŠCHT Praha

    Effective Scientific Writing I (C-K834-0003)

    Effective Scientific Writing I
    However good your science is, if it is not communicated effectively, its value is lessened. Whether you like it or not, the modern scientist is a professional writer. Yet despite the ‘publish or perish’ culture in scientific
    research, almost no investment is made into teaching researchers how to become better writers. Since 2006, Craig Riddell has helped edit hundreds of scientific papers to successful publication, many for high-impact factor
    journals. This experience led to the development of a bespoke scientific writing course, Effective Scientific Writing (ESW), for researchers working in educational institutions and commercial research institutes. Writing is a
    fundamental professional development skill that can and should be learned. ESW uses real-life examples to change your way of thinking about writing and your approach to it.
    Effective Scientific Writing I
    1 Text analysis: What are the key elements of good writing style?
    2 Achieving clarity: keeping it simple, direct and concise; removing redundancy
    3 Complexity as the enemy of clarity: recognizing what causes it and learning how to break it up
    4 Articles change meaning: how to more regularly choose the one that accurately reflects your meaning
    5 Key principles of word order: using them to guide and test your sentence structure (syntax)
    6 'empty verbs' and 'lazy nouns': recognizing and eliminating nominalizations
    7 Using phrases strategically: repositioning them to make your message stronger
    8 Understanding clauses and sentence types
    9 First impressions: the qualities of a good Title
    10 Model Abstract: structure brings clarity and flow to your 'story'
    11 Toning your Abstract: issues of tense, voice, verb and modality
    12 Mid-semester and end-of-semester Abstract presentations: edited, restructured, edited again, rewritten to a publishable level
    13 Revision
    14 Revision
    akceptace přihlášky
    student doktorského studia na VŠCHT v Praze
    předmět nabízen v modulu C

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        Osvědčení o absolvování programu
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        Riddell Craig Alfred B.A., M.Sc.
        Department of Languages
        Department of Languages
        Effective Scientific Writing I
        Riddell Craig Alfred B.A., M.Sc.
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        winter and summer semester
        28 hours
        Pondělí, Středa 08:00 - 10:00
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        0 Kč / kurz
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        Riddell Craig Alfred B.A., M.Sc.
        06.02.2024 - 19.02.2024