Examinations terms <sup>2</sup>Examinations terms 2(version: 231)
Registration for 2024/2025 both
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Examination details
  • You need to have the course credited before the exam.
Faculty :Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
Guarantor :Department of Biotechnology (319)
Date :Dec 13, 2021 - Monday
Time :09:20
End :Dec 13, 2021, 12:00 AM
Cancel before :Dec 12, 2021, 10:00 AM
Registration until :Dec 12, 2021, 10:00 AM
Building :PA - A
Room :A111, VŠCHT budova A,
Teacher :Maťátková Olga doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Capacity :10
Number of registered :10
Break :11:00 (20 min)
Information :Zkouška se bude konat v knihovně ústavu 319 (A111) prezenční formou, pokud dojde ke změně na online podobu, budete informováni mailem. V případě příznaků onemocnění, karantény apod. bude možno domluvit individuální online zkoušení (mail olga.matatkova@vscht.cz).
Na vypsaný čas se prosím dostavte přesně tak jak je vypsán v SIS.
V případě že se na zkoušku nedostavíte bez odhlášení z termínu bez omluvy (mail), bude zapsána známka F.
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Examined courses
sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCode Faculty sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderName Year Semester Type
B319003 FFBT Biotechnology I 2021/2022 winter Ex

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List of registered students
Name Course Faculty Year Semester Type Date of registration Time
1. the student disallowed display of personal data Biotechnology I (B319003) FFBT 2021/2022 winter examination Dec 06, 2021, 02:57 PM 09:20
2. the student disallowed display of personal data Biotechnology I (B319003) FFBT 2021/2022 winter examination Dec 06, 2021, 02:57 PM 09:40
3. the student disallowed display of personal data Biotechnology I (B319003) FFBT 2021/2022 winter examination Dec 06, 2021, 02:57 PM 10:00
4. Dvořák Michal Ing. Biotechnology I (B319003) FFBT 2021/2022 winter examination Dec 06, 2021, 03:00 PM 10:20
5. the student disallowed display of personal data Biotechnology I (B319003) FFBT 2021/2022 winter examination Dec 06, 2021, 02:59 PM 10:40
6. Nógell Adam Mgr. Biotechnology I (B319003) FFBT 2021/2022 winter examination Dec 06, 2021, 03:03 PM 11:20
7. the student disallowed display of personal data Biotechnology I (B319003) FFBT 2021/2022 winter examination Dec 06, 2021, 02:59 PM 11:40
8. the student disallowed display of personal data Biotechnology I (B319003) FFBT 2021/2022 winter examination Dec 06, 2021, 02:57 PM 12:00
9. the student disallowed display of personal data Biotechnology I (B319003) FFBT 2021/2022 winter examination Dec 08, 2021, 06:46 AM 12:20
10. the student disallowed display of personal data Biotechnology I (B319003) FFBT 2021/2022 winter examination Dec 06, 2021, 03:18 PM 12:40