Examinations terms
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Faculty of Chemical Technology
Faculty of Environmental Technology
Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Central University Departments of UCT Prague
Dean's Office of Faculty of Chemical Technology (150)
Department of Chemical Technology of Monument Conservation (148)
Department of Glass and Ceramics (107)
Department of Informatics and Chemistry (143)
Department of Inorganic Chemistry (101)
Department of Inorganic Technology (105)
Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering (106)
Department of Organic Chemistry (110)
Department of Organic Technology (111)
Department of Polymers (112)
Department of Solid State Chemistry (108)
Department of Solid State Engineering (126)
Laboratory of Inorganic Materials (141)
Organic Chemistry I - AB110003
Organic Chemistry II - AB110004
Organic Chemistry Laboratory I - AB110005
Organic Chemistry Laboratory II - AB110006
Structural Analysis - AB110007
Fundamentals of Chemistry of Pharmaceuticals - AB110009
Supramolecular Chemistry - AM110002
Organic Synthesis - AM110003
Retrosynthesis - AM110004
Transition Metals in Organic Synthesis - AM110005
Organic Reaction Mechanisms - AM110006
Computational Chemistry - Molecule Visualization - AM110007
Bioorganic Chemistry - AM110008
Stereoselective Organic Syntheses - AM110011
Theoretical Spectroscopy and Reactivity - AM110012
Physical Organic Chemistry - AM110016
Organic Chemistry of Selected Elements - AM110018
Specialization Laboratory Course – Chemistry - AM110019
Structural Analysis - AM110020
Fundamentals of Medicinal Chemistry - AM110022
Principles of Drug Discovery - AM110023
Internship - AM150001
Laboratory Project Chemistry I - AM150006
Laboratory Project Chemistry II - AM150007
Physical Organic Chemistry - AP110001
Organic Reactions Mechanisms - AP110002
Organic Synthesis - AP110003
Retrosynthesis - AP110004
Microwave Chemistry - AP110005
Photochemistry - AP110006
Organic Chemistry of Selected Elements - AP110007
Quantum Organic Chemistry - AP110008
Bioorganic Chemistry - AP110009
Structural Analysis of Molecules - AP110010
Supramolecular Chemistry - AP110011
Stereoselective organic syntheses - AP110012
Transition Metals in Organic Synthesis - AP110013
Advanced organic chemistry - AP110014
Medicinal Chemistry - AP110015
Drug design and discovery - AP110025
Purification and identification methods in drug design and development - AP110026
Organic Chemistry A - B110001
Organic Chemistry B - B110002
Organic Chemistry I - B110003
Organic Chemistry II - B110004
Organic Chemistry: Laboratory I - B110005
Organic Chemistry: Laboratory II - B110006
Structural Analysis - B110007
Structure and Reactivity of Organic Compounds - B110008
Fundamentals of Chemistry of Pharmaceuticals - B110009
Methods of Substances Structure Determination - M108007
Pharmacochemistry - M110001
Supramolecular Chemistry - M110002
Organic Synthesis - M110003
Retrosynthesis - M110004
Transition Metals in Organic Synthesis - M110005
Organic Reaction Mechanisms - M110006
Computations and Visualization of Molecules - M110007
Bioorganic Chemistry - M110008
Drug Regulation - M110009
Laboratory of Specialization Synthesis of Drugs - M110010
Stereoselective Organic Syntheses - M110011
Theoretical Spectroscopy and Reactivity - M110012
Physical Organic Chemistry - M110016
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds - M110017
Organic Chemistry of Selected Elements - M110018
Specialized Laboratory - Organic Chemistry - M110019
Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Affairs in Practice - M110021
Laboratory Project Chemistry I - M150007
Laboratory Project of Programm SVL II - M150009
Physical Organic Chemistry - P110001
Organic Reactions Mechanisms - P110002
Organic Synthesis - P110003
Retrosynthesis - P110004
Microwave Chemistry - P110005
Photochemistry - P110006
Organic Chemistry of Selected Elements - P110007
Quantum Organic Chemistry - P110008
Bioorganic Chemistry - P110009
Structural Analysis of Molecules - P110010
Supramolecular Chemistry - P110011
Stereoselective organic syntheses - P110012
Transition Metals in Organic Synthesis - P110013
Advanced organic chemistry - P110014
Medicinal Chemistry - P110015
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds - P110017
Fundamentals of Supramolecular Chemistry - P110021
Organocatalysis in Organic Synthesis - P110022
Drug design and discovery - P110025
Purification and identification methods in drug design and development - P110026
Fyles Luďka
Himl Michal
Hodačová Jana
Kohout Michal
Kovaříček Petr
Krupička Martin
Kundrát Ondřej
Kvíčala Jaroslav
Ménová Petra
Pavlovska Tetiana
Rybáčková Markéta
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Studijní oddělení (studium@vscht.cz)