Examinations terms
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Faculty of Chemical Technology
Faculty of Environmental Technology
Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Central University Departments of UCT Prague
Dean's Office of Faculty of Environmental Technology (251)
Department of Environmental Chemistry (240)
Department of Power Engineering (218)
Department of Sustainability and Product Ecology (241)
Department of Sustainable Fuels and Green Chemistry (228)
Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering (217)
Petroleum Processing and Utilization - AB215001
Chemicals from petroleum - AB215002
Fuels Analysis - AB215003
Principles of Green Chemistry - AB215004
Coal and Gas Processing and Utilization - AB216001
Atmospheric Chemistry - AB216002
Purification of Waste Gases - AB216004
Environmental Legislation - AB216005
Principles of Atmosphere Analytics - AB216006
Climate Change - AB216007
Carbon dioxide capture, storage and utilization - AB216008
Laboratory of Fuels - AB251001
Green Chemistry - AM215010
Analysis of Alternative Fuels - AM215011
Hydrocarbons Analysis and Environment - AM215014
Fuel Processing and Utilization - AM215015
Atmosphere Analytics - AM216003
Atmosphere Analytics: Laboratory - AM216011
Atmospheric Pollution Control - AM216021
Greenhouse Gases Mitigation, CO2 Capture and Utilisation - AM216030
Diploma Thesis - AM251040
Petrochemistry - AP215001
Petroleum Technology - AP215002
Production and Utilization of Alternative Motor Fuels - AP215003
Analysis of Complex Hydrocarbon Mixtures - AP215004
Selected methods of instrumental analysis - AP215005
Simulation of Refinery Processes - AP215006
Workshop Energy and Fuels - AP215007
Application of new technologies to the development of the current oil refineries - AP215008
Chemistry of atmospheric processes - AP216001
Reducing air emissions from industrial processes and energy generation - AP216002
Metering, regulation and recent trends in gas industry - AP216003
Analytical methods used for atmosphere pollution evaluation - AP216004
Natural Gas Processing and Utilization - AP216005
Fuels utilization for energy production - AP216006
Adsorption materials and their usage in technical practice - AP216007
Energetic Using of Biomass - AP216008
Petroleum Processing and Utilization - B215001
Chemicals from petroleum - B215002
Fuels Analysis - B215003
Principles of Green Chemistry - B215004
Coal and Gas Processing and Utilization - B216001
Atmospheric Chemistry - B216002
Purification of Waste Gases - B216004
Environmetal Legislation - B216005
Principles of Atmosphere Analytics - B216006
Climate Change - B216007
Carbon dioxide capture, storage and utilization - B216008
Physico-chemical processes in the atmosphere - B216009
Laboratory of climate change - B216010
Chemistry for Sustainable Future - B228002
Sustainable Chemistry in Practice - B228003
Fundamentals of Chemical and Food Technologies - B228004
Structure and Transformation of Biomass - B228005
Laboratory of Sustainable Chemistry - B228006
Laboratory of Fuels - B251001
Basic of chemistry for bachelors - CZV215001
Basics of mathematics for bachelors - CZV215002
Basics of physics for bachelors - CZV215003
Petroleum Technology I - M215001
Petroleum Technology II - M215002
Petrochemistry - M215003
Special Analysis of Fuels - M215004
Laboratory of Petroleum Products - M215005
Laboratory of Petroleum Technology - M215006
Laboratory project of specialization Petroleum technology and alternative fuels - M215007
Refinery and Petrochemical Facilities - M215008
Calculations of Chemical Industry Equipment - M215009
Green chemistry - M215010
Analysis of Alternative Fuels - M215011
Fuels and Environment - M215012
Detection and analysis of gaseous and particulate toxic substances - M216001
Právní základy znalecké činnosti - M216002
Atmosphere Analytics - M216003
Atmosphere Protection Technology - M216004
Gas Cleaning Technology - M216005
Gas industry - M216006
Gas Transmission and Distribution - M216007
Solid Fuels: Laboratory - M216008
Adsorption Processes - M216009
Coal Technology - M216010
Atmosphere Analytics: Laboratory - M216011
Laboratory of Gaseous Fuels - M216012
Laboratory Project for Gas and Solid Fuels - M216013
Combustion of Fuels - M216014
Coke Technology - M216015
Biomass for Energy Production - M216016
Gaseous Biofuels - M216017
Safety and reliability in the power engineering and the other industry - M216019
Risk assessment in technical processes - M216020
Petroleum Technology - M228001
Fuel Analysis Laboratory - M228002
Solid Fuel Technology - M228003
Fuel Technology Laboratory - M228004
Biorefinery - M228005
Laboratory project of the specialization Engineering and Fuel Chemistry - M228006
Gas industry - M228007
Petrochemistry - P215001
Petroleum Technology - P215002
Production and Utilization of Alternative Motor Fuels - P215003
Analysis of Complex Hydrocarbon Mixtures - P215004
Selected methods of instrumental analysis - P215005
Simulation of Refinery Processes - P215006
Workshop Energy and Fuels - P215007
Application of new technologies to the development of the current oil refineries - P215008
Chemistry of atmospheric processes - P216001
Reducing air emissions from industrial processes and energy generation - P216002
Metering, regulation and recent trends in gas industry - P216003
Analytical methods used for atmosphere pollution evaluation - P216004
Natural Gas Processing and Utilization - P216005
Fuels utilization for energy production - P216006
Adsorption materials and their usage in technical practice - P216007
Energetic Using of Biomass - P216008
Aubrecht Jaroslav
Beňo Zdeněk
Ciahotný Karel
Hlinčík Tomáš
Kittel Hugo
Kyselová Veronika
Matějovský Lukáš
Polívková Lenka
Skácel František
Skoblia Siarhei
Staf Marek
Staš Martin
Straka Petr
Šimáček Pavel
Šimková Radka
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Studijní oddělení (studium@vscht.cz)