Examinations terms
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Examinations terms
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Faculty of Chemical Technology
Faculty of Environmental Technology
Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Central University Departments of UCT Prague
Dean's Office of Faculty of Chemical Engineering (453)
Department of Analytical Chemistry (402)
Department of Chemical Engineering (409)
Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Cybernetics (446)
Department of Physical Chemistry (403)
Department of Physics and Measurement (444)
Mathematics A - AB413001
Mathematics B - AB413002
Applied Statistics - AB413003
Numerical Methods - AB413004
Computer Algebra System Maple - AB413005
Introduction to Mathematical Optimization - AB413009
Measuring and Control Engineering - AB444007
Computer Practice - AB445001
Mathematical Methods in Engineering - AB445002
Signal Processing - AB445007
Advanced functional materials and technologies in cybernetics - AB445022
Fourier Transform - AM413001
Multivariate data analysis - AM413004
Mathematics for chemical engineers - AM413007
Numerical algorithms - AM413010
Measuring Technique - AM444006
Digital Signal and Image Processing - AM445002
Control Theory - AM445003
Neural Networks - AM445004
Graph Theory and Applications - AP413001
Numerical Linear Algebra - AP413002
Numerical Methods for Engineering - AP413003
Deterministic and stochastic discrete systems - AP413004
Numerical methods of Analysis of Non-linear Dynamical Models - AP413005
Non-linear Optimalization - AP413006
Dynamical Systems - AP413007
Fourier Transform - AP413008
Advanced Methods of Applied Mathematics - AP413009
Advanced Measurement Methods in Experimental Physics and Chemistry - AP444009
Numerical Analysis and Computer Graphics - AP445001
Image Processing - AP445002
Analysis of Multidimensional Biomedical Signals - AP445003
Computational Intelligence - AP445004
Modelling of Technological Processes - AP445005
Design of Control Systems - AP445006
Engineering Optimalization - AP445007
Digital Signal and Image Processing - AP445008
Robotic systems - AP445009
Advanced Control Engineering - AP445010
Modelling Mathematical Processes for PhD Students - AP445011
Experimental Identification - AP445012
Advanced Methods of Signal Processing for PhD Students - AP445013
Mathematics A - B413001
Mathematics B - B413002
Applied Statistics - B413003
Numerical Methods - B413004
Computer Algebra System Maple - B413005
Fourier transform for Bc. students - B413006
Secondary School Mathemetics Repetition - B413007
Elementary Mathematics - B413008
Introduction to Mathematical Optimization - B413009
Financial Mathematics - B413010
Discrete Mathematics - B413011
Selected chapters in Mathematics - B413012
Mathematics A: Seminar - B413013
Mathematics B: Seminar - B413014
Computer Practice - B445001
Mathematical Methods in Engineering - B445002
Web Aplication in Chemistry - B445003
Computer Graphics - B445004
Object Oriented Programming - B445005
Spreadsheet Applications - B445006
Signal Processing - B445007
Image Processing I - B445008
Computer Control Systems - B445009
Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry - B445010
Database Systems Design - B445011
Computer Data Acquisition - B445012
Programming Techniques - B445013
Introduction to Programming - B445014
Fundamentals of Microprocessor Technology - B445015
Algorithmization and programming in Matlab - B445016
Database Systems in Chemistry - B445018
Cybernetics I - B445019
Cybernetics II - B445020
Cybernetics III - B445021
Advanced functional materials and technologies in cybernetics - B445022
Introduction into Chemical Cybernetics - B445023
Advanced MATLAB course and introduction to image analysis - B445053
Data mining methods - B445054
Relational databases and data correlation - B445055
Basics of mathematics for bachelors - CZV413001
Data Analysis Methodology: From Basics to Machine Learning Methods Application - CZV4460002
Advanced Data Analysis Methods and Neural Networks: Applications in Practice - CZV4460003
Preparatory course in mathematics - CZV446002
x - CZV453001
x - CZV453002
Fourier Transform - M413001
Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) - M413002
Methods of Applied Mathematics - M413003
Multivariate data analysis - M413004
Optimization of Engineering Processes - M413005
Methods of Analysis of Non-linear Dynamical Models - M413006
Mathematics for chemical engineers - M413007
Partial Differential Equations (PDE) - M413008
Mathematical Modeling and Optimal Control - M413009
Mathematica - M413041
Selected methods of mutivariate statistics - M413042
Measurement and control in industrial processes - M444004
Measurement and control in industrial processes: Laboratory - M444005
Graphic in Enginnering Study - M445001
Digital Signal and Image Processing - M445002
Control Theory - M445003
Neural Networks - M445004
Modelling Mathematical Processes - M445005
Technical Instrumentation for Control - M445006
Experimental Identification - M445007
Master's Project - M445008
Control Systems Design - M445009
Advanced Image Processing - M445010
Engineering Optimization - M445011
Procedural Programming - M445012
Application of Microprocessors - M445013
Applied Artificial Intelligence - M445014
Distributed Data Processing - M445015
Biosignals and models - M445016
Sequential Control - M445017
Industry 4.0 - M445018
Predictive Control - M445019
Applications of Measurement and Process Control in Chemistry - M445020
Statistical Pattern Recognition - M445021
Technological Practice - M445022
Introduction to Python - M445023
Machine Learning in Python - M445024
Pre-diploma Project DICH - M445025
Parallel and distributed data processing in Java and C# (e-course) - M445053
Graph Theory and Applications - P413001
Numerical Linear Algebra - P413002
Numerical Methods for Engineering - P413003
Deterministic and stochastic discrete systems - P413004
Numerical methods of Analysis of Non-linear Dynamical Models - P413005
Non-linear Optimalization - P413006
Dynamical Systems - P413007
Fourier Transform - P413008
Advanced Methods of Applied Mathematics - P413009
Advanced Measurement Methods in Experimental Physics and Chemistry - P444009
Numerical Analysis and Computer Graphics - P445001
Image Processing - P445002
Analysis of Multidimensional Biomedical Signals - P445003
Computational Intelligence - P445004
Modelling of Technological Processes - P445005
Engineering Optimalization - P445007
Digital Signal and Image Processing - P445008
Advanced Control Engineering - P445010
Modelling Mathematical Processes for PhD Students - P445011
Experimental Identification - P445012
Advanced Methods of Signal Processing for PhD Students - P445013
Axmann Šimon
Cejnar Pavel
Cúthová Lenka
Červená Lenka
Kohout Jan
Kopecký Dušan
Nachtigalová Iva
Pokorný Pavel
Steinbach Jakub
Šnupárková Jana
Štícha Karel
Švihlík Jan
Vrba Jan
Zikmundová Markéta
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Studijní oddělení (studium@vscht.cz)