Management is a wide topic. The course has only 16 hours of lecture and exercises. While this is sufficient for
setting the basics, it cannot possibly cover all management subjects. The course therefore focuses on three key
areas: (1) Managing people (2) Organizing and leading, and (3) Deciding, planning and managing performance.
The course will be fully case study based and students will derive the key management concepts from the cases.
A particular care is paid to providing examples and discussing cases/problems that are relevant to students and
take into account the potentially limited student work experience.
Poslední úprava: Krátká Jana (02.11.2022)
1. Botek M.: Spokojený pracovník, základ podnikatelského úspěchu, Wolters Kluwer, Praha, 2018, ISBN 978-80-7598-1028. 2. DeVito J. A.: Základy mezilidské komunikace, Grada Publishing , a.s., Praha,2001. ISBN 978-80- 247-2018-0. 3. Fotr J., Švecová L. a kol.: Manažerské rozhodování. Ekopress, Praha 2010. ISBN 978-80-86929-59-0. 4. Dvořáková Z.: Řízení lidských zdrojů. Nakladatelství C. H. Beck,, Praha 2012. ISBN 978-80-7400-347-9. 5. Svoboda V.: Public relations - moderně a účinně. Grada Publishing, a.s., Praha, 2009. ISBN 978-80-247-2866-7. Poslední úprava: Krátká Jana (02.11.2022)
1. Deciding, planning and managing performance (8 hrs): Case study- Ethical decisions, Abusing company credit card, Forklifts and stakeholder management, Crisis management- Blackmail, Introducing sustainability. 2. Organizing and Leading (4 hrs): Case study - A graduate induction program, Difficult graduate, Winning back a lost customer. 3. Managing people (4 hrs): Case study - Toxic team member, False CV, Dealing with enemies. Poslední úprava: Krátká Jana (02.11.2022)
At the end of the course, students should have a good idea of manager´s job, be equipped with a basic set of management concepts, be able to critically evaluate the suitability of alternative managerial solutions. In parallel, students will learn how to analyse case studies, improve their presentation and negotiation skills, and practice critical analysis skills. Hopefully, they will be able to leverage their knowledge and skills in specialized business courses such as decision making, change management, human resources management, or performance management.
Poslední úprava: Krátká Jana (02.11.2022)