SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
Environmental Engineering - AB240003
Title: Environmental Engeneering
Guaranteed by: Department of Environmental Chemistry (240)
Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Technology
Actual: from 2024
Semester: winter
Points: winter s.:5
E-Credits: winter s.:5
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:3/0, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: Šír Marek Ing. Ph.D.
Jeníček Pavel prof. Ing. CSc.
Classification: Chemistry > Environmental Chemistry
Interchangeability : B240003, N240009
Annotation -
The syllabus addresses the essentials of environmental protection measures, focusing on state-of-art technology. It covers air, water and soil cleanliness protection. Various technologies applied for waste gas, waste water and waste treatment are discussed, focussing mainly on prevention of environmental pollution. Students are explained essentials of the applicable legislative framework and its development trends and processing of waste in the context of the circular economy. The syllabus provides students with a basis for further studies and research covering additional specific environmental protection topics.
Last update: Šír Marek (04.09.2024)
Course completion requirements -

The course is completed by a written exam. The exam consists of open-ended questions that cover all topics presented during the semester.

Last update: Šír Marek (05.09.2024)
Literature -


  • Vejvoda, Josef, Machač, Pavel, Buryan, Petr. Technologie ochrany ovzduší a číštění odpadních plynů. Praha: Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická, 2003, s. ISBN 80-7080-517-X.
  • Víden, Ivan. Chemie ovzduší. Praha: Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická, 2005, s. ISBN 80-7080-571-4.
  • Bindzar, Jan. Základy úpravy a čištění vod. Praha: Vydavatelství VŠCHT, 2009, s. ISBN 978-80-7080-729-3.
  • Kuraš, Mečislav. Odpady a jejich zpracování. Chrudim: Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor, 2014, s. ISBN 978-80-86832-80-7.
  • Matějů, Vít. Kompendium sanačních technologií. Chrudim: Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor, 2006, s. ISBN 80-86832-15-5.

Last update: prepocet_literatura.php (19.12.2024)
Syllabus -

1. Water resources on Earth, Water as a strategic natural resource, Wastewater definition, Re-use and recycling water, classification of pollutants.

2. Legislation covering water protection, sewage networks typology, processes for cleaning wastewater, Wastewater treatment plant, Centralised and decentralised systems.

3. Application of aerobic biological processes in wastewater treatment, types of activation systems, biofilm reactors and their basic biological parameters, nutrient removal from wastewater.

4. Application of anaerobic biological processes in wastewater treatment and sludge reduction, categories of industrial wastewater and specifics of their treatment, usage and treatment of wastewater sludge.

5. Basic terms, Air protection treatment processes, Legislation, Nitrogen oxides reduction, Particulates control.

6. Sulphur oxide emissions reduction; Origin, basic strategies, desulfurization of coal, desulfurization of flue gases.

7. Carbon dioxide emissions reduction, Kyoto protocol, Road transportation and catalysts.

8. Eliminating hydrochloride and hydro fluoride acid vapour, Dioxins reduction.

9. Basic terms of waste management, applicable legislation.

10. Generation and types of waste, prevention of waste generation.

11. Methods of treatment of waste, physical, chemical and biological methods.

12. New strategies in waste management, waste in the context of the circular economy.

13. Waste from selected industries, methods of their processing.

14. Contaminated soils and their decontamination methods.

Last update: Šír Marek (05.09.2024)
Learning resources -

Last update: Šír Marek (05.09.2024)
Learning outcomes -

Students will be able to:

Key takeaways - Description and explanation of basic and current waste treatment technologies (covering waste gas, water and solid waste), reduction of environmental pollution footprint.

Understanding of key legislation covering environmental protection and waste management.

Incentive to develop new environmental protection methods and technologies during studies at the UCT.

Last update: Šír Marek (04.09.2024)
Registration requirements -

No prerequsities

Last update: Šír Marek (05.09.2024)