SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
Legislative aspects of food production - B324003
Title: Legislativní aspekty výroby potravin
Guaranteed by: Department of Food Preservation (324)
Faculty: Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
Actual: from 2022
Semester: summer
Points: summer s.:2
E-Credits: summer s.:2
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:2/0, MC [HT]
Capacity: unlimited / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Old code: PPS
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: Pivoňka Jan Ing. Ph.D.
Interchangeability : N324002
This subject contains the following additional online materials
Annotation -
European food law has become an independent field and a phenomenon over the last 25 years, which in its turn controls the lives of all consumers in the European Union. The aim of the subject is to acquaint students with the fundamentals of food law, its terminology and functioning within the European Union and possibly with a short comparison with the requirements of other legal regulations in the field of food regulation. Students will learn how to orient themselves in the basic legislation regulating the operation of the food business. They will be ready to apply the food law requirements imposed not only on food safety but also on labelling of foods, which are often contrary to marketing visions. They will be able to search and find the individual regulations using simple, user-friendly tools but also to use them argumentally. Given that European food law is currently a comprehensive set of legislation which leaves only a certain minimum level of implementation in the regulation of food production and distribution to Member States , students will be acknowledged with the basic aspects of European legislation with an impact on national law. Attention will be paid not only to the general requirements resulting from the general food law, but also to other legal regulations that are crucial to the application of food law and are interdependent. In the area of labelling, attention will be paid to harmonized European rules describing the basic rules for the behavior of food business operators (food safety, quality management and food safety systems, etc.) and food labelling and, in this context, also food categories (commodities), special foods, food supplements and foods for special nutrition and special medical purposes. Students will receive basic information on the quality and authenticity of food and the access of supervisory authorities. Lectures will also contain concrete examples and jurisprudence of both the European Court of Justice and the Czech courts. Students will also receive information related to the production and distribution of foodstuffs, namely legislation on materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs, legislation on chemicals and environmental regulations (wastes, wastes from packaging, environmental degradation, water, air).
Last update: Rajchl Aleš (30.01.2018)
Course completion requirements - Czech

Úspěšné absolvování písemného zápočtového testu.

Last update: Rajchl Aleš (05.03.2018)
Literature -

Potravinářské zbožíznalství – Jana Dostálová, Pavel Kadlec a kolektiv, Key Publishing, Ostrava 2014, ISBN 978-80-7418-208-2

Nařízení (EU) č. 1169/2011 k porovnání ve třech jazycích -

Kapesní průvodce novým označování ryb a produktů akvaktultury / A pocket guide to the EU's new fish and aquaculture consumer labels -

Průvodce novými pravidly pro označování potravin - "Označování potravin - Mnoho cenných informací pro spotřebitele ?" -

Elektronická příručka PK ČR k nařízení (EU) č. 1169/2011 o poskytování informací o potravinách spotřebitelům -

Rozhodovací strom pro postup při označování vitamínů a minerálních látek -

Publikace SČS a ČTPP k problematice kvality potravin a jejich označování -

Označování potravin - průvodce pro spotřebitele -

Last update: Rajchl Aleš (29.01.2018)
Syllabus -

1. European Food Law and its impact on national legislation: legal system, legal instruments and sources of law, hierarchy of legislation, general food law, implementation of European food law in the Czech Republic, marketing of food in the EU, technical standards. Excursion to other legal orders.

2. Basic objectives of European Food Law, Scientific Principles, Risk Analysis, Food and Feed Safety Alerts (RASFF), Critical Points in Food Production, HACCP, Food Safety Management Systems.

3. National legislation: Food law, Commodity regulations, Veterinary Act, Public Health Protection Act.

4. Basic legal framework for food of animal origin.

5. Genetically modified organisms. Organic farming products. European quality systems in the context of national efforts to promote local products.

6. Microbiological criteria for food. Contaminants in food. Food quality and safety assessment: sampling and sample testing.

7. Legislative framework for improving substances in food: additives, flavorings, enzymes. Food enrichment.

8. Rules on the labelling of foodstuffs, the types of information on the packaging and the interconnection of individual legal regulations, the basic mandatory particulars.

9. Special types of food: food for special nutrition and special medical purposes, dietary supplements. New foods. Trends in the food industry.

10. Official food control: principle, organization and competencies, procedures and measures, administrative penalties. Case law.

11. Requirements for articles and materials coming into contact with food, environmental legislation, REACH.

12. Legislative specifics and requirements for the production of selected foods (fruit and vegetable products, meat and meat products, eggs and beverages).

13. Legislative specifics and requirements for the production of selected foods (mill products, bakery and confectionery products, pasta, sugar and confectionery).

14. Legislative specifics and requirements for the production of selected foods (milk and dairy products, fats and cosmetics)

Last update: Rajchl Aleš (30.01.2018)
Learning resources -


Úřední věstník Evropské unie -

Sbírka zákonů ČR -

Databáze TRIS -

Evropský úřad pro bezpečnost potravin -

Knihovnička připravované legislativy -

Obecné potravinové právo -

Systém rychlého varování -

Biologická bezpečnost -

Chemická bezpečnost -

Falšování potravin -

Zlepšující látky v potravinách -

Nové potraviny -

Legislativa týkající se informací na potravinách pro spotřebitele -

Výživová a zdravotní tvrzení -

EU registr výživových a zdravotních tvrzení -

Doplňky stravy -

Obohacování potravin vitamíny a minerálními látkami -

Zvláštní kategorie potravin -

Geneticky modifikované organismy -

Správná hygienická praxe – vyhledávač národních přístupů -

Databáze evropských značek kvality -

Státní veterinární správa –

Státní zemědělská a potravinářská inspekce –

Last update: Rajchl Aleš (29.01.2018)
Learning outcomes -

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • independently work with regulations of food law - will learn to search and find them and to interpret them;
  • apply the fundamental rights of food business operators and will know what their responsibilities are;
  • orientate themselves in the information on the packaging of foods, will be able to interpret and compile them;
  • orientate themselves in food safety management systems, quality and authenticity control.

Last update: Rajchl Aleš (30.01.2018)
Registration requirements -


Last update: Rajchl Aleš (26.01.2018)