SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
Principles of hydrobiology and microbiology in water technology - CZV217007
Title: Základy hydrobiologie a mikrobiologie pro technology vody
Guaranteed by: Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering (217)
Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Technology
Actual: from 2024
Semester: both
Points: 0
E-Credits: 0
Examination process:
Hours per week, examination: 0/8, other [HT]
Extent per academic year: 8 [hours]
Capacity: winter:unknown / unlimited (15)
summer:unknown / unknown (15)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
Guarantor: Říhová Ambrožová Jana doc. RNDr. Ph.D.
Class: Kurz CŽV
Annotation -
This course primarily deals with the topics of hydrobiology applications in technologies. The course provides information on directives, norms, hygienic aspects, water treatment technology and waste water treatment technology and describes them in detail. The introduction consists of basic hydrobiology and ecology terms, the history of applied hydrobiology, basic information on taxonomy and systematic summary of microorganisms. Types and biotopes of surface and underground water are also specified. Extreme biotopes, i.e. acidified and eutrophic types, are closely observed in biocenoses. Problems of the water treatment technology are described very widely in this course. Biology of waste water, problems of self-purification, index of saprobity and methods of wastewater treatment are covered in a special part of lectures. The course also covers topics of toxicity, trophic levels and their roles in water biocenoses and shows the importance of microorganisms in processes and technologies.
Last update: Krátká Jana (12.09.2024)
Literature -

R:Ambrožová J.,Aplikovaná a technická hydrobiologie,Skriptum VŠCHT Praha,226 pp.,2001,80-7080-463-7

R:Ambrožová J.,Mikroskopické praktikum z hydrobiologie,Skriptum VŠCHT Praha,183 pp.,2002,80-7080-496-3

R:Ambrožová J.,Aplikovaná a technická hydrobiologie,Skriptum VŠCHT Praha,226 pp.,2003,80-7080-521-8

R:Říhová Ambrožová J., Vejmelková D., Čiháková P., 2017. Technická mikrobiologie a hydrobiologie. 1st ed. Praha: Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7080-986-0

A:Říhová Ambrožová J.,Encyklopedie hydrobiologie,elektronická verze 1.0,2007,978-80-7080-007-2

A:Sládečková A., Sládeček V., Ambrožová J., Kočí V.,Biologická kontrola čistíren odpadních vod a jejich vlivu na recipienty,Hydroprojekt CZ,118 pp.,2002

A:Kolektiv autorů (Ambrožová J., Černý I., Frank K., Hanslík E., Herčík L., Hlaváč V., Hušková R., Komínek J., Komp P., Mergl V., Nepovím J., Ondroušek J., Pitter P., Pytl V., Rauová M., Růžička J.),Příručka provozovatele úpravny pitné vody,Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Medim, spol. s.r.o. pro SOVAK ČR,206 pp.,2005,80-239-4565-3

Last update: Krátká Jana (12.09.2024)
Requirements to the exam - Czech


Last update: Krátká Jana (12.09.2024)
Syllabus -

1. Ecology and characterization of hydrobiology, the topic, taxonomy, terminology.

2. Specification and taxonomy of microfytes (algae, cyanobacteria).

3. Protozoa and metazoa, taxonomy.

4. Bioindication and its practise.

5. Water Framework 2000/60/EC, types and sorts of water.

6. Biogeochemical cycles, abiotic factors influenced biocenosis.

7. Hydrobiology of standing water, biotic aspects and factors, biocenosis, monitoring.

8. Extreme biotopes - acidification and eutrophication, lack of water, recreation waters.

9. Hydrobiology of running water.

10. Water treatment biology, risk assesment (HACCP).

11. Biology of usage water.

12. Saprobity, saprobiology, monitoring.

13. Waste water treatment biology, waste waters, sludges.

14. Legislation, QA/QC.

Last update: Krátká Jana (12.09.2024)
Learning resources

Last update: Krátká Jana (12.09.2024)
Learning outcomes

Students will be able to:

Specify scope of Hydrobiology.

Apply the methods of sampling on biotopes and laboratory manipulation.

Use knowledge of bioindicators and bioindication to evaluate water treatment and waste water treatment technologies.

Handle microscope and identify basic group of microoorganisms.

Last update: Krátká Jana (12.09.2024)
Registration requirements -


Last update: Krátká Jana (12.09.2024)