SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
Environmental Sampling: Laboratory - M240012
Title: Laboratoř vzorkování životního prostředí
Guaranteed by: Department of Environmental Chemistry (240)
Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Technology
Actual: from 2019
Semester: summer
Points: summer s.:6
E-Credits: summer s.:6
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/8, MC [HT]
Capacity: unknown / 20 (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: Kroužek Jiří Ing. Ph.D.
Class: Základní laboratoře
Interchangeability : N240016
Annotation -
The course is focused on gaining some practical skills in the issue of sampling various matrices of the natural environment in order to monitor and measure basic physical, chemical and microbiological parameters. This practical training is a continuation of the subject "Sampling in Environmental Analysis". The course consists of two parts and is taught in a block (the time range is 2 weeks). In the first part of the course the students are at a real location in the field, and take and collect real samples. Taken samples are analysed by students in the follow-up process in the analytical part of this course (Week 2). Individual laboratory tasks are divided so they cover the wide field of sampling various components of the environment. Students work in groups. The sampling procedure and the analytical results from each task are processed into final report.
Last update: Rippelová Veronika (21.01.2018)
Course completion requirements -

To pass the course, the participation in field sampling, in analytical measurements in laboratories and the development of report are necessary. Laboratory course is held in two weeks in summer semester during April.

Last update: Březina Milan (25.01.2018)
Literature -

R: Kolektiv autorů: Vzorkování II - životní prostředí, 2Theta, 2016, ISBN 978-80-86380-81-0

A: Kolektiv autorů: Vzorkování I – Obecné zásady, 2Theta, 2010, ISBN 978-80-86380-53-7

A: Vzorkovací práce v sanační geologii - Metodický pokyn MŽP, Ministerstvo životního prostředí, 2007

A: Field sampling procedures manual, New Jersey Department of Environmental protection, 2005

Last update: Rippelová Veronika (21.01.2018)
Requirements to the exam -

To pass the course, the participation in field sampling, in analytical measurements in laboratories and the development of report are necessary. Laboratory course is held in two weeks in summer semester during April.

Last update: Kroužek Jiří (24.01.2018)
Syllabus -

Range of the subject includes:

Preparation of the sampling project - theoretical training on sampling, sample preparation in the field, packaging, transport, processing and preparation of samples in the laboratory, setting the sampling plan

Sampling of contaminated soils and VOCs analysis with head-space methods

Determination of the presence of heterotrophic organisms in soils

Sampling construction waste and taking a representative sample

Identification of an unknown substance using a Raman, FT-IR and ED-XRF spectrometer

Sampling and analysis of sediments for the determination of heavy metals

Sampling and analysis of wood core

Sampling of soil air for VOCs' analysis

Diffuse outdoor air sampling for monitoring concentrations of VOCs

Sampling and characterization of groundwater

Sampling of standing water

Interpretation of parameters on the site

Preparation of the final report

Evaluation of results

Last update: Rippelová Veronika (23.01.2018)
Learning resources -

Návody k Laboratořím životního prostředí


Last update: Rippelová Veronika (26.01.2018)
Learning outcomes -

Students will be able to:

Perform sampling of the different matrix in the environment

Write i the sampling protocols according to applicable legislation

Prepare a sampling plan

Link sampling with sample analysis

Successful completion of the course is conditional on submitting the final report, which will include description of sampling procedures and results from all analyses.

Last update: Rippelová Veronika (21.01.2018)
Registration requirements -

Waste Analysis

Analytical Chemistry I

Last update: Kroužek Jiří (24.01.2018)
Teaching methods
Activity Credits Hours
Účast v laboratořích (na exkurzi nebo praxi) 6 168
6 / 6 168 / 168