SubjectsSubjects(version: 963)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
Physical chemistry of nanomaterials - N126027
Title: Fyzikální chemie nanomateriálů
Guaranteed by: Department of Solid State Engineering (126)
Faculty: Faculty of Chemical Technology
Actual: from 2021
Semester: summer
Points: summer s.:4
E-Credits: summer s.:4
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: cancelled
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Additional information:
Guarantor: Leitner Jindřich prof. Ing. DrSc.
Kvítek Ondřej Ing. Ph.D.
Is interchangeable with: M126005
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
This course offers an elaborated explanation of quite different behavior of nanomaterials (i.e. nanostructured materials and nanocomposites) in comparison with their bulk counterparts. Consistent top-down approach consists in extrapolation of basic physical and chemical principles of "macroword" to "nano" region (1-100 nm) is used for interpretation of size-dependent properties of nanomaterials (density, bulk modulus, heat capacity, heat conductivity, cohesive energy, temperature and enthalpy of melting and solid-state transitions, temperature of magnetic transitions, glass transition, surface and interface energies, diffusion coefficient etc.).
Last update: Leitner Jindřich (02.09.2013)
Aim of the course -

Students will be able to:

Explain different behavior of nano and macro objects within the top-down approach.

Describe the influence of surface energy and surface stress on equilibria in nanosystems.

Characterize nanoparticles properties on the bases of crystal lattice dynamic.

Last update: Leitner Jindřich (02.09.2013)
Literature -

A:Q.Jiang,Z.Wen:Thermodynamics of Materials,Springer-Berlin and Higher Education Press-Beijing,2011,9783642147173

A:F.J.Owens,C.P.Poole:The Physics and Chemistry of Nanosolids,Wiley,2008,9780470067406

Last update: Leitner Jindřich (01.09.2013)
Syllabus -

1. Introduction, top-down and bottom-up approaches

2. Atomic structure of solids

3. Equations of state for solids

4. Geometry of nanoobjects

5. Surface of solids

6. Density of nanoparticles, nanofilms and nanostructured materials

7. Cohesive energy of nanoparticles

8. Dynamics of crystal lattice, influence of surface atoms

9. Heat capacity and heat conductivity of nanosolids

10. Thermodynamics of interfaces

11. Phase equilibria in one-component systems influenced by interfaces

12. Phase equilibria in multi-component systems influenced by interfaces

13. Chemical equilibria in nanossystems

14. Kinetics of reaction in nanosystems

Last update: TAJ126 (20.01.2016)
Learning resources - skripta Termodynamika materiálů (pdf) Powerpointové prezentace k jednotlivým přednáškám Studijní text Struktura nanomateriálů Studijní text Rovnováhy v nanosystémech

Last update: Leitner Jindřich (01.09.2013)
Registration requirements -

N126026 Introduction to nanomaterials

N126004 Thermodynamics of materials

N108006 Chemistry and physics of solids or N108004 Introduction to study of materials

Last update: TAJ126 (18.01.2016)
Teaching methods
Activity Credits Hours
Účast na přednáškách 1 28
Příprava na přednášky, semináře, laboratoře, exkurzi nebo praxi 0.5 14
Práce na individuálním projektu 1 28
Příprava na zkoušku a její absolvování 1 28
Účast na seminářích 0.5 14
4 / 4 112 / 112
Coursework assessment
Form Significance
Report from individual projects 10
Examination test 40
Oral examination 50