The target of this subject is to make students familiar with modern approach to the description and optimisation of the electrochemical processes. The subject is based on the knowledge gained in the basic course of chemical engineering and physical chemistry. This knowledge is applied to the problems of technical electrochemistry. Theoretical lectures are accompanied by the seminaries allowing by the means of modern methods of mathematical modeling more detailed understanding of the studied phenomena.
Last update: Bouzek Karel (29.06.2018)
Students will be able to
Last update: Bouzek Karel (29.06.2018)
Z: Bouzek K., Elektrochemické inženýrství, učební text VŠCHT Praha, 1999, 8070803681 D: Roušar I, Micka K, Kimla A, Technická Elektrochemie II, Academia Praha,1981 D: Newman J., Thomas-Alyea K.E., Electrochemical systems, John Wiley&Sons, 2004, ISBN: 978-0-471-47756-3 D: Wendt H., Kreysa G., Electrochemical Engineering, Springer, Berlin 1999, 3540643869 D: Fuller T.F., Harb J.N., Electrochemical Engineering, John Wiley&Sons, 2018, ISBN: 978-1-119-44659-0 Last update: Bouzek Karel (02.11.2018)
https://www-sciencedirect-com.ezproxy.vscht.cz/science/book/9780125762601 https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.ezproxy.vscht.cz/results/global-subject-codes/cha0?target=topic-title-results&startPage=0 Last update: Sedlářová Ivona (26.06.2018)
lectures, seminaries dealing with mathematical modelling of selected electrochemical systems Last update: Bouzek Karel (29.06.2018)
none Last update: Bouzek Karel (29.06.2018)
The subject is focused on the following topics:
1. Electrode reaction kinetics 2. Basics of the flow dynamics in an electrochemical cell 3. Mass transfer in the electrolyte solutions Methods of experimental determination and estimation of mass transfer coefficient; methods of mass transfer intensification in the industrial electrolysers; separators in an electrochemical cell - types, function, mass transfer description 4. Balance of voltage losses and calculation of electrochemical cell voltage 5. Primary, secondary and tertiary current density distribution - Laplace equation Analytical solution of a Laplace equation for simple geometry; Laplace equation solution by means of conservative schemes; differential approximation in solution of the convective diffusion problem 6. Types of electrochemical reactors 7. Bipolar arrangement of an electrochemical reactor - evaluation of a parasitic current 8. Factors influencing selection of an electrochemical reactor
Last update: Bouzek Karel (29.06.2018)
none Last update: Sedlářová Ivona (26.06.2018)
none Last update: Bouzek Karel (29.06.2018)
Completion and defence of 4 mathematical modeling tasks and subsequent oral exam Last update: Bouzek Karel (29.06.2018)