The course applies basic principles of safety engineering towards industrial systems, with special attention to the processes of chemical industry. The particular presentations are directed to the assessment of accident rate, to models of risc scenarios, to the risc assessment in the chemical industry and to the evaluation of the ecological risc. Significant part of the course is related to the prevention activities as well as to the operation of joint rescue service.
Last update: Březina Milan (16.11.2018)
The students will have the following knowledge: The will be able to apply the safety and prevention principles to the design and operation of chemical industry. They will be able to prepare and authorize safety and rescue plans They will be able to apply progressive methodology of risc assessment within the chemical industry Last update: Březina Milan (16.11.2018)
A: Daniel A. Crowl, Joseph F. Louvar: Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications, Prentice-Hall, Inc.,Englewood Cliffs, New Persey 07632, 1990 A: Christian Kirchsteiger: Risk assessment and management in the context of the Seveso II Directive, Elsevier 1998 Last update: Březina Milan (17.11.2018)
http://uchop.vscht.cz/ke-stazeni/materialy Last update: Březina Milan (16.11.2018)
Lecturers, tutorials, self-study Last update: Březina Milan (17.11.2018)
None Last update: Březina Milan (17.11.2018)
Basic principles of environmental and safety education Accident rate, prevention of accidents Examples and accidents and their assessment Relation between industry and environmental care Toxicology and occupational safety Environmental risc assessment Checklist Analysis, PHA Event Tree and Faul Tree methodology
Last update: Březina Milan (16.11.2018)
None Last update: Březina Milan (17.11.2018)
None Last update: Březina Milan (19.11.2018)
Oral examination or assessed presentation of the given topic Last update: Březina Milan (17.11.2018)