SubjectsSubjects(version: 963)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
Mathematical Methods in Engineering - S445004
Title: Mathematical Methods in Engineering
Guaranteed by: Department of Computing and Control Engineering (445)
Faculty: Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Actual: from 2021
Semester: summer
Points: summer s.:5
E-Credits: summer s.:5
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: cancelled
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: Procházka Aleš prof. Ing. CSc.
Is interchangeable with: AB445002
Examination dates   Schedule   
The subject is devoted to the presentation of algorithmic and programming tools available in the MATLAB environment including two and three dimensional object graphics, structured variables and data manipulation. A special attention is paid to symbolic mathematics and the use of SIMULINK environment for block processing. Selected numerical methods are then analyzed from the programming point of view using both numerical methods and symbolic mathematics. These methods include the solution of linear algebraic equations, approximation and the least square method, solution of nonlinear equations, numerical interpolation derivation and integration, numerical solution of differential equations and applications in engineering, environmental data processing and biomedicine.
Last update: Procházka Aleš (15.11.2012)

Z: F. Dušek: Matlab a Simulink, úvod do používání, FChT UPCE, Pardubice 2000


D: G. Lindfield, J. Penny: Numerical Methods Using MATLAB, Ellis Horwood, 1995

D: R.L. Burden: Numerical Analysis, Brooks / Cole, 2001

Last update: Procházka Aleš (15.11.2012)
Requirements to the exam

In the frame of computational laboratories it is necessary to evaluate 3 projects related to numerical and symbolic solution of given methods using MATLAB{SIMULINK computational tools. During the exam the knowledge of algorithmic approach for solution of mathematical metods is verified together with implementation of selected methods.

Last update: Procházka Aleš (04.07.2012)

1. Algorithmic tools of computing methods, MATLAB programming environment

2. Numerical and visualisation methods, object graphics, programming tools

3. Data structures, symbolic methods in engineering

4. Modelling and simulation in the Simulink environment, visualization

5. Numerical and symbolical methods of linear algebra, sparse matrices

6. Data processing, linear approximation, the least square method, modelling tools

7. Nonlinear approximation, gradient method, numerical optimization (project1)

8. Algorithmic tools for solution of nonlinear equations, iterative algorithms, symbolic methods

9. Systems of nonlinear equations, symbolic solution (project2)

10. Methods of numerical and symbolic interpolation, differentiation and integration

11. Numerical and symbolical methods of solution of ordinary differential equations, modelling

12. Systems of ODEs, boundary value problems, modelling in Simulink (project3)

13. Remote data processing, MATLAB WWW server

14. Applications

Last update: Procházka Aleš (04.07.2012)