Examinations terms
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Faculty of Chemical Technology
Faculty of Environmental Technology
Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Central University Departments of UCT Prague
Dean's Office of Faculty of Chemical Technology (150)
Department of Chemical Technology of Monument Conservation (148)
Department of Glass and Ceramics (107)
Department of Informatics and Chemistry (143)
Department of Inorganic Chemistry (101)
Department of Inorganic Technology (105)
Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering (106)
Department of Organic Chemistry (110)
Department of Organic Technology (111)
Department of Polymers (112)
Department of Solid State Chemistry (108)
Department of Solid State Engineering (126)
Laboratory of Inorganic Materials (141)
Conservation of Building Materials and Degradation Theories - AP148001
Inorganic materials of monumets I - B148001
Inorganic materials of monumets II - B148002
Methods of Conservation Survey - B148003
History of Art Handicrafts - B148004
History of Handicrafts: Glass, Ceramics and Porcelain - B148005
History of Handicrafts: Metals - B148006
History of Handicrafts: Textiles - B148007
Art History I - B148008
Art History II - B148009
Art History III - B148010
Art History IV - B148011
Art History V - B148012
Figurative Drawing - B148013
History of Textiles Manufacturing and Processing - B148014
Fibres Chemistry - B148015
Pattern Construction - B148016
Textile Conservation - B148017
Technology of Textile Dyeing - B148018
Structure and Properties of Fibres - B148019
Technical documentation of clothing - B148020
Textile Technology - B148021
Technological research of textile - B148022
Modelling - B148023
Seminar of Semestral Work III - textile - B148024
Seminar of Semestral Work IV - textile - B148025
Seminar of Semestral Work V - textile - B148026
Organic materials of cultural heritage objects I - B148027
Organic materials of cultural heritage objects II - B148028
Non-Figurative Drawing - B148030
Principles of cultural heritage objects care - B148031
Iconography - B148032
Laboratory of Conservation-Restoration Program - B148033
Basic of Archaeology - B148034
Conservation of Monuments - B148035
Conservation of archaeological findings - B148036
User Software for Restoration - B148037
Photography Techniques - B148038
Restoration Technology: Laboratory I - B148039
Restoration Technology: Laboratory II - B148040
Restoration Technology: Laboratory III - B148041
Specialised Practice I - B148042
Specialised Practice II - B148043
Seminar on Bachelor Thesis of Conservation Technology - B148044
The History of Clothing - B148045
Semestral Project of Study Programe - B148046
Conservation: Bachelor Thesis - B700001
Handicraft Techniques I - B700002
Handicraft Techniques II - B700003
Handicraft Techniques III - B700004
Handicraft Techniques IV - B700005
Semestral Work I - B700006
Semestral Work II - B700007
Semestral Work III - B700008
Semestral Work IV - B700009
Semestral Work V - B700010
Art Documentation Glass - Ceramic I - B700011
Art Documentation Glass - Ceramic II - B700012
Art Documentation Glass - Ceramic III - B700013
Art Practice I - B700014
Art Practice II - B700015
Art Practice III - B700016
Art Practice IV - B700017
Art Documentation I Metals - B700018
Art Documentation II Metals - B700019
Art Documentation III Metals - B700020
Hand-made metal processing techniques - B700021
Preventive Conservation - M148001
Conservation of inorganic building materials - M148003
Conservation of leather and textile - M148004
Conservation Technology: Laboratory - M148005
Constructions and Materials of Historical Building - M148006
Constructional Historical Research - M148007
Laboratory project of technology conservation technology I - M148008
Auxiliary Historical Sciences - M148009
Laboratory of conservation technology II - M148010
Conservation - M148011
Conservation of archival and library collections - M148012
Wood conservation - M148013
Restoration: Bachelor Thesis - N700001
Principles and Procedures of Restoration of Works of Art from Porous Inorganic Materials - P036001
Principles and Practical Procedures of Restoration of Art and Craft Works from Organic Materials - P036002
Selected Chapters of Instrumental Analysis and Diagnostic Methods for Monument Care - P036003
Selected Chapters from the History of Art and Craft - P036004
Doctoral colloquium I - P036005
Methodological Approaches and Ethical Principles of Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects - P064002
Mechanisms of Degradation of Organic Materials and Methods of their Conservation - P148002
Doctoral colloquium III - P148003
Computational genomics algorithms - P500002
Neutron Applications in the Research of Cultural Heritage Objects - P502001
Radiation Physics for Study of Monuments - P502002
Radiation Methods for Study of Monuments - P502003
X-ray Fluorescence Analysis and its Application in Monument Preservation - P502004
Doctoral colloquium II - P502005
Drábková Klára
Ďurovič Michal
Hlochová Dana
Horák Petr
Koubová Pavlína
Krejčí Jan
Kučerová Irena
Rychnová Lucie
Studničková Jarmila
Škrdlantová Markéta
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