Language selection
  • čeština
  • english
  • Anonym


    Login using credentials is for:
    • active students,

    Login using a registered e-mail address is for:
    • applicants with no assigned login credentials who have registered their e-mail address regardless of their application submission status.

    Registration of new applicants is for:
    • new applicants who have not yet registered their e-mail address.

    Non-login access:
    • an anonymous access session which cannot be used to submit applications; it makes it possible to browse the admission procedure requirements and offered study programs.

    Important notice

    Login via LOGIN On allowing seamless switching between UCT Prague applications that support this kind of authentification, without having to re-login again.

    Important notice

    To log in, please use the email you have provided during registration. Please use your contact email (which can be used to replace the original email address pre-filled in your electronic registration form) for communication with the registrar's office only.

    Important notice

    Registration of new applicants is for the applicants who have not yet registered their e-mail address.


    • Anonymous access does not allow application submission and other active operations