The lectures are designed for students of bachelor study "Conservation and restoration of works of applied art " at FCHT . The aim is primarily to revive a reasonably extend basic knowledge of general and inorganic chemistry, which is necessary for follow-up studies at ICT. The lectures are supplemented with exercises with emphasis on chemical nomenclature, quantification of redox equations as fabrication or production of inorganic compounds.
Last update: Kubová Petra (18.01.2021)
Students must pass the written and oral part of the examination. Last update: Kubová Petra (18.01.2021)
R:J.Klikorka a kol.: Obecná a anorganická chemie, SNTL Praha, 1986, 0461285 R:D.Sedmidubský a kol.: Základy chemie pro bakaláře, VŠCHT Praha, 2011, 8070807903 A:F.Jursík, Anorganická chemie nekovů, VŠCHT Praha, 2001, 8070804173 A:F.Jursík,Anorganická chemie kovů, VŠCHT Praha, 2003, 8070805048 A:V.Flemr, E. Holečková: Úlohy z názvosloví a chemických výpočtů v anorganické chemii,VŠCHT Praha, 2001, 8070804351 A:D.Sýkorová a kol.: Návody pro laboratoře z anorganické chemie, VŠCHT Praha, 1996, 8070802472
Last update: Kubová Petra (18.01.2021)
The students write two credit tests during the semestra. The subsequent exams is written as oral. Last update: Kubová Petra (18.01.2021)
1. The structure of atom (atomic number, nucleon number, atomic orbitals, ionization energy, electron affinity , electronegativity) 2. Periodic system of elements (periodic table, electron configuration, similarity trends) 3. Chemical bond (ionic, covalent, metallic, hydrogen, Van der Waals interactions) 4. Lewis electron forms, shapes of molecules, hybridization of the atoms orbitals 5. Acids and bases, hydrolysis of salts (Arrhenius, Bronsted - Lowry, Lewis) 6. Oxygen, hydrogen 7. Halogens 8. Halogens 9. Chalcogenes, sulfur (selenium,tellurium) 10. Nitrogen, phosphorus (arsenic, antimony) 11. Carbon, silicon, boron 12. Metals, general characteristics,distribution, manufacturing,s-type metals 13. Metals, p-type metals 14. Metals, d- and f-type(transition metals) Last update: Kubová Petra (18.01.2021)
Electronic supplementary materials - http://eso.vscht.cz/predmety/N101005/ Last update: Kubová Petra (18.01.2021)
Students will be able to: understand general and inorganic chemistry to the extent that is necessary for the study of related subjects. Last update: Kubová Petra (18.01.2021)
high school chemistry , physics , mathematics Last update: Kubová Petra (18.01.2021)