Informace pro uchazeče do bakalářského studia, kteří dostali odklad na doložení maturitního vysvědčení:
Dokumenty, které ještě máte doložit ke své přihlášce (odložené maturitní vysvědčení/doklad o absolvování studia), zasílejte na mailovou adresu referentky děkanátu příslušné fakulty. K přihlášce již dokumenty přiložit nelze.
With the Search button, you can search in a broad spectrum of the LLL programmes offered by the faculties. Short- and long-term programmes are offered. The LLL programmes are divided into two basic groups: interest and profession-oriented.
You can submit your electronic application for study by clicking on the Create a new application button.
Before submitting your application, you will be asked to register with an e-mail address. This address will serve as a login during the whole admission procedure.
You can also register by clicking on the "Login" button (on the upper right hand side). Before filling in the application, please read the instructions and information about personal data first.