SubjectsSubjects(version: 965)
Course, academic year 2022/2023
Physical Chemistry of Phase Boundaries - AM403003
Title: Physical Chemistry of Phase Boundaries
Guaranteed by: Department of Physical Chemistry (403)
Faculty: Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Actual: from 2019
Semester: winter
Points: winter s.:4
E-Credits: winter s.:4
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Additional information:
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: Friess Karel prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Classification: Chemistry > Physical Chemistry
Interchangeability : M403003, N403028, S403028
Is interchangeable with: M403003
Annotation -
The course is focused on understanding of phase boundary processes. Students will be introduced briefly into Liner Irreversible Thermodynamics, continuity equations and corresponding application in various physicochemical processes (electrokinetic phenomena, diffusion in multicomponent systems, membrane equilibria, adsorption and sorption etc.) together with description of appropriate experimental methods for their determination.
Last update: Kubová Petra (23.01.2018)
Course completion requirements -

Ending conditions:

Before passing an oral exam, the student must obtain a credit. Granting the credit is bound to the calculation of the given examples.

Last update: Friess Karel (15.02.2018)
Literature -

R: Y.Demirel, Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics, Elsevier 2007. 978444530790

R. E.L.Cussler, Diffusion, Mass Transfer in Fluid Systems, Cambridge Univ. Press 1997. 521564778

R. E.J.Henley, J.D. Seader, D.K. Roper Separation Process Principles, John Wiley, 2011. 9780470646113

A: E.R.G. Eckert, R.M. Drake, Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer, McGraw-Hill 1972. 070189250

A: Z.Palatý a kol.: Membránové procesy, VŠCHT Praha 2012. 9788070808085

Last update: Kubová Petra (23.01.2018)
Syllabus -

1. Continuity and balance equations.

2. Thermodynamics of open systems.

3. Fundamentals of linear irreversible thermodynamics.

4. Electrokinetic phenomena.

5. Liquid boundary potential.

6. Membrane equlibria.

7. Water transport in membranes.

8. Transport phenomena.

9. Methods of determination of diffusion coefficients.

10. Membrane separation processes.

11. Methods of determination of transport parameters.

12. Methods of determination of sorption.

13. Surface phenomena.

14. Adsorption phenomena.

Last update: Kubová Petra (23.01.2018)
Learning resources - Further study materials - study support will be received on individual lectures.

Last update: Friess Karel (15.02.2018)
Learning outcomes -

Students will be able to:

Apply theoretical knowledge on issues related to the processes and the latest interfaces

Solve tasks thematically based on subject matter

Last update: Kubová Petra (23.01.2018)
Registration requirements -

Physical Chemistry II, Mathematics II

Last update: Kubová Petra (23.01.2018)
Teaching methods
Activity Credits Hours
Účast na přednáškách 1 28
Příprava na přednášky, semináře, laboratoře, exkurzi nebo praxi 0.5 14
Příprava na zkoušku a její absolvování 2 56
Účast na seminářích 0.5 14
4 / 4 112 / 112