Selected inorganic technologies are taken as an example for clarifying several common technologic processes. The approach starts from product characteristics, assortment of products including their use. The preparation, stoichiometry, technological reactions, raw materials follow, leading to the final product. Environmental conditions are also mentioned.
Last update: Kubová Petra (01.05.2019)
R:Büchner W. a kol: Průmyslová anorganická chemie, SNTL Praha, ISBN 80-03-00638-4 R:Vosolsobě J.: Průmyslová hnojiva, skripta VŠCHT Praha Last update: Kubová Petra (01.05.2019)
Jeden test Last update: Kubová Petra (01.05.2019)
1. Industrial fertilizers and their influence on environment 2. Nitrogeneous fertilizers produced via neutralization 3. Production of phosphoric acid and phosphorous fertilizers 4. Multi-component industrial fertilizers 5. Technical salts 6. Technical gases 7. Industry of nitrogen 8. Industry of sulfur 9. Production of inorganic pigments 10.Electrolysis of water, hydrogen management 11.Production of chlorine and alkali metals 12.Production of NaClO3 and KMnO4 13.Electroplating, treatment of waste water 14.Electrochemical sources of energy, galvanic cells, accumulators, fuel cells Last update: Kubová Petra (01.05.2019)
http://eso.vscht.cz/ Last update: Kubová Petra (01.05.2019)
Students will be able to: Describe the selected inorganic technologies Get orientation in basic electrochemical principles and the related industrial processes Analyze inorganic productions and apply their products from environmental point of view Last update: Kubová Petra (01.05.2019)
General and Inorganic Chemistry I Last update: Kubová Petra (01.05.2019)