Students will learn about several areas in the course of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. The main topic is understanding of physiological and patho-physiological features of basic parameters with a focus on the relationship between biochemistry, physiology and a given disease.In the next part the methodological approaches used in human diagnostics will be explained. A detailed description of analyzed molecules, which are used in the current medicine according to the function of these molecules - such as
enzymes, fats, hormones, etc will be given in the next part. For each category the function and the use for diagnostics will be explained. The last
part of the study focuses on the diagnostics of liver, kidney, and the diagnosis of the internal environment of the
organism, including acid-base balance.
Last update: Fusek Martin (08.02.2018)
Succesfully pass two written tests and the oral examination. Last update: Fusek Martin (25.01.2018)
R:Schneiderka P. a kol., Stanovení analytů v klinické biochemii,1.část, Praha, Karolinum,1999, 80-7184-761-5 R:Schneiderka P. a kol., Kapitoly z klinické biochemie,Karolinum, 2004, 80-246-0678-X A:Zima T. a kol.: Laboratorní diagnostika, třetí doplněné a přepracované vydání, Praha, Galén, 2013, 978-80-7262-372-3(Galén), 978-80-246-1423-6 (Karolinum) A:Racek, J. a kol.: Klinická biochemie. Druhé, přepracované vydání Galén + Karolinum, Praha, 2006, 80-7262-324-9 A:Štern, P.a kol.: Obecná a klinická biochemie. Praha, Karolinum, 2011, 978-80-246-1979-8 A: Mačák J., Mačáková J. a Dvořáčková J.: Patologie. 2., doplněné vydání. Grada Publishing 2012, 978-80-247-3530-6 Last update: Kubová Petra (19.12.2017)
1. Introduction Clinical biochemistry / definition, history, basic tasks / Overview of lectured themes / Basic materials analysed in a clinical laboratory / Quality biochemical analysis / Safety 2. Methods in Clinical Biochemistry I Separation Methods / Analytical methods / Molecular genetic analysis / Molecular diagnostics 3. Methods in Clinical Biochemistry II Immunochemical methods / Summarization of the testing - Basic investigated parameters / Specific tests 4. Metabolism of amino acids Overview of amino acid / Amino acid metabolism / Metabolic disorders and their detection 5. Proteins and clinical biochemistry Main types and functions of protein / Protein metabolism - synthesis and degradation / Examination protein / Main clinically significant plasma proteins / Proteins recovered in the urine 6. Enzymes - function and disorders The role of enzymes in the body / Determination of enzymatic activity / Main enzymes in clinical biochemistry and their determination 7. Carbohydrate metabolism and its disorders Carbohydrates and their metabolism / Physiological functions of carbohydrates / Diabetes and its examination / Other disorders of carbohydrate metabolism 8. Lipids and their metabolism Structure and physiological functions / Digestion and transport / Apolipoproteins / Enzymes of lipid transport / Atherosclerosis / Biochemical screening 9. Liver functions and related biochemical screening Liver - description and metabolism / Liver diseases / Analytical procedures for the diagnosis of liver diseases 10. Renal functions and related biochemical screening Kidney - description and function / Main biomarkers for the diagnosis of renal functions / Analytical Methods 11. Hormones and their analysis Classification and functions of basic hormone / Clinical applications 12. Tumor markers Cancer diseases / Classification of tumor markers / Use of tumor markers 13. Electrolytes Basic terms / Main monitored ions / Sodium and Potassium 14. Acid-base balance Processes affecting pH / Role of carbon dioxide / pH control / ABB parameters Last update: Krausová Martina (11.01.2018)
none Last update: Kubová Petra (19.12.2017)
Students will be able to: gain knowledge of the overall work flow of laboratories, quality control of analytical methods as well as other diagnostic laboratory methods used in medical practice. Last update: Krausová Martina (11.01.2018)
Biochemistry I Last update: Krausová Martina (11.01.2018)
Teaching methods | ||||
Activity | Credits | Hours | ||
Účast na přednáškách | 1 | 28 | ||
Příprava na zkoušku a její absolvování | 2 | 56 | ||
3 / 3 | 84 / 84 |