This course is recommended to PhD students interested in special applications of catalysis beyond the limits of chemical industry. The typical examples are applications of catalysis in refining processes. Other applied sectors are: catalysis in environmental protection, automotive catalysis, polymerization catalysis, asymmetric catalysis, electrochemical catalysis, use of enzyme catalysts in the laundry sector etc. At the beginning of the course students discuss the most convenient orientation of their studies with the lecturer. The main goal is the efficient and synergetic effect of the outputs of this course with the topics of the student´s PhD Thesis. It is recommended to do this course in English.
Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.04.2018)
Two-step discussion and final defence of the project task. Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.04.2018)
Vzhledem k pojetí výuky tohoto předmětu jako tzv. "one-to-one", tudíž velmi individuálního přístupu, je i konsesuální výběr doporučené literatury značně prototypový. Pro studenty, kteří nenavštěvovali předměty "Katalýza" a "Technická katalýza" je, pro studium, buď řádného kurzu, nebo pro samostudium, doporučena tato literatura: Z-základní a D-doplňková 1. D- J. Koubek: "Industrial Catalytic Processes", Internal text of ICT, Prague (VŠCHT), 2007 2. Z- Ch.N. Satterfield: Heterogeneous Catalysis in Practice" McGraw-Hill (2nd Edition), 1993 3. D- Baerns (Editor): "Basic Principles in Applied Catalysis", Springer, 2003 4. Z- Chorkendorff I., J.W. Niemantsverdriet : "Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics" Willey �VCH, Weinheim, 2003 5. D- Aktuální studijní materiály poskytované učitelem. Last update: Veselý Martin (16.08.2024)
The syllabus of this course is rather individual. According to the consensually selected topic, which is "tailor-made" to the PhD issue, the following examples of various sectors of applied catalysis may be treated:
1. Environmental (green) catalysis. 2. Automotive catalysis. 3. Catalysts for refinery processes. 4. Synthesis of zeolite catalysts. 5. Synthesis of chiral organometallic catalysts. 6. Stereoselective polymerization catalysts. 7. Synthesis of new potential catalytic materials (for instance, functionalized mesoporous materials, MOFs, etc.). 8. New routes for heterogenization of homogeneous and enzyme catalysts. 9. New principles for separation of homogeneous catalysts. 10. Catalytic systems for fuel cells. 11. Catalytic processes of the type "ADAM-EVE" for energetical applications. Etc. Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.04.2018)
The students will be able to: The students who would successfully pass this course would have deep knowledge on catalytic applications in special sectors connected with the topics of their PhD Thesis. Theory and applications will be treated in parallel during the whole course. Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.04.2018)