Description of basic principles and use applications of advanced technologies, including pharmaceutical applications. The subject is organized as a workshop - after the cycle of lectures the student's individual study on the given topic follows (usually derived from the dissertation topic), which ends with participation in the final seminar where the student presents the results.
Last update: Záruba Kamil (02.08.2018)
A: Murashov V., Howard J. (Eds.): Nanotechnology standards, 1. edition, Springer, 2011, ISBN 978-1-4419-7852-3 A: Vollath D. (Ed.): Nanomaterials, Wiley-VCH, 2013, 2. edition, ISBN 978-3-527-33379-0 A: Kolasinski K. W.: Surface science, Foundation of Catalysis and Nanoscience, 2. edition, J. Wiley&Sons, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-470-03304-3 A: Di Ventra M., Evoy S., Heflin J. R. Jr (Eds.): Introduction to nanoscale science and technology, 1. edition, 2004, Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4020-7720-3 Primary sources (scientific papers) available in ChemTK library Last update: Záruba Kamil (03.09.2019)
Basic overview of the problems introduced during the introductory cycle of lectures followed by independent work on the projects, consultations Last update: Záruba Kamil (03.08.2018)
1. Lecture cycle - basic principles of nanotechnologies, properties and preparation of selected types of nanoobjects, application mainly from areas of analytical chemistry and pharmacy 2. Student project - study selected application based on available information 3. Project presentation - participation and presentation at the final seminar Last update: Záruba Kamil (03.08.2018)
Information provided in the introductory lecture cycle (especially the PDF version of the lectures, or relevant topical articles in the field). Last update: Záruba Kamil (03.08.2018)
Students will be able to
Last update: Záruba Kamil (03.08.2018)
Basic university course of general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry. Last update: Záruba Kamil (21.08.2018)
none Last update: Záruba Kamil (03.08.2018)