SubjectsSubjects(version: 960)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
Hydrochemistry - AB217003
Title: Hydrochemistry
Guaranteed by: Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering (217)
Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Technology
Actual: from 2023
Semester: summer
Points: summer s.:7
E-Credits: summer s.:7
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:3/2, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: Sýkora Vladimír doc. Ing. CSc.
Kujalová Hana Ing. Ph.D.
Pokorná Lucie Ing. Ph.D.
Interchangeability : B217003, N217003
Annotation -
Qualitative and quantitative composition of natural waters, physical and physico-chemical properties of natural waters, chemical reactions and equilibria in waters, inorganic substances in water (main cations), inorganic substances in water(toxic metals), inorganic substances in water (main anions), inorganic substances in water (nitrogen and phosphorus compounds), carbonate chemistry of aquatic systems; dissolved gases, silicon, boron and radioactivity; organic substances in water, chemical and biochemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon; composition, properties and classification of natural waters; composition, properties and classification of drinking and service waters; composition, properties and classification of sewage and industrial waste waters
Last update: Fialová Jana (10.05.2019)
Aim of the course -

Students will be able to:

assess the quality of the water in terms of its impact for the environment;

assess the quality of the water in terms of its aggressive action on various materials;

assess water quality in terms of hygiene;

explain the behavior of water on the basis of solutions of chemical and biochemical processes in different types of water.

Last update: Fialová Jana (10.05.2019)
Literature -


  • Chemistry and biology of water, air, and soil: Environmental aspects, Tölgyessy Juraj, 1993


  • Inorganic chemistry, Housecroft, Catherine E., Sharpe, A. G., 2018
  • Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch, 2021
  • Environmental Chemistry: An Analytical Approach, Kenneth S. Overway, 2017
  • Water Chemistry: The Chemical Processes and Composition of Natural and Engineered Aquatic Systems, Patrick L. Brezonik, William A. Arnold, 2022

Last update: Sýkora Vladimír (23.07.2024)
Learning resources -

Current materials will be exposed during the course at:

Last update: Fialová Jana (10.05.2019)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

V rámci průběžné kontroly studia je v první polovině semestru zařazen jeden průběžný test, který prověřuje aktivitu studentů a pochopení učiva. Na konci semestru jsou znalosti a dovednosti studentů prověřovány formou závěrečného testu a ústní zkoušky. Podmínkou účasti na ústní zkoušce je získání zápočtu.

Last update: Fialová Jana (10.05.2019)
Syllabus -

1. Qualitative and quantitative composition of natural waters

2. Physical and physico-chemical properties of natural waters

3. Chemical reactions and equilibria in waters

4. Inorganic substances in water (main cations)

5. Inorganic substances in water (toxic metals)

6. Inorganic substances in water (main anions)

7. Inorganic substances in water (nitrogen and phosphorus compounds)

8. Carbonate chemistry of aquatic systems

9. Dissolved gases, silicon, boron and radioactivity

10. Organic substances in water

11. Chemical and biochemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon

12. Composition, properties and classification of natural waters

13. Composition, properties and classification of drinking and service waters

14. Composition, properties and classification of sewage and industrial waste waters

Last update: Fialová Jana (10.05.2019)
Course completion requirements - Czech

Student získává nárok na zápočet , dosáhne-li celkem alespoň 50 bodů ze 100 (z toho v průběžném testu je možno dosáhnout maximálně 25 bodů, v závěrečném testu 75 bodů; získané body v obou testech se sčítají). Výsledná známka z předmětu je známkou souhrnnou za písemnou a ústní část zkoušky, tzn. hodnotí znalosti prokázané při ústní zkoušce a navíc zohledňuje i počet bodů získaných v obou testech.

Last update: Fialová Jana (10.05.2019)