The aim of the course is to provide knowledge in basic areas - the definition of enterprise, tax system, assets and liabilities, sources of financing, the management of production, inputs into the production process and clarify their standardization.
Last update: Klečka Jiří (09.09.2019)
The course is finished by written and oral exam, which is conditional on obtaining a credit. Last update: Kubová Petra (01.05.2019)
A: Mansfield, E., Allen, W. B., Roberty, N. A., Weigelt, K., Managerial Economics, Tudory, Applications and Case, W. W. Norton Company, New York, 2002, ISBN 0393976777 A: Samuelson, W. F., Marks, S. G., Managerial Economics, Wiley, Boston, 2003, ISBN 0470000449 Last update: Kubová Petra (01.05.2019)
1. Enterpirse as a Economic and Legal Entity, Statury Regulation, Tax System 2. The Objectives of Enterprises and the Method and Criteria for their Fulfillment 3. Assets and Capital Structure 4. Long-Term and Short-Term Assets, Their Valuation, Ddepraciation, Turnover of Assets, Structure of Equity and Liabilities, Sources of Founding 5. Cost and Revenues in the Accounting, Cash Flow 6. Costs and Their Classification, Break Even Point 7. Company as a Subject of Market, Sales, Profit, Price 8. Finacial Analyses, the Efficiency of Investment, the Innovations Production equipment and capacity; Depreciation 9. Costing, the Using of Calculation, the Simple Division Calculation 10. Non-absorbent Calculation Procedures, Specific Calculation Procedures in the Chemical and Food Industries 11. Manufacturing Process and Its Structure, Indexes of Theit Using Type of Production 12. Basic Elements of the Manufacturing Process, Standards and Their Meaning, Material and Energy in the Manufacturing Process 13. Production Facilities, Utilization of Production Equipment, Systems of Maintenance, Power Profiles 14. Exploitation of Workers and other Factors of Production, Labor Standards, Labor Productivity, Total Productivity
Last update: Klečka Jiří (04.09.2020)
|| http://vydavatelstvi.vscht.cz/katalog/publikace?uid=uid_isbn-978-80-7080-735-4 Last update: Kubová Petra (01.05.2019)
Students will be able to: Analyze the cost of business. Calculate the cost per unit of output. To understand the basic financial statements and tax system. To analyze the production process and calculate the selected standards for its management. Last update: Klečka Jiří (09.09.2019)
None. Last update: Kubová Petra (01.05.2019)
Coursework assessment | |
Form | Significance |
Examination test | 20 |
Continuous assessment of study performance and course -credit tests | 30 |
Oral examination | 50 |