Physical motivation, definition, properties and application
of Fourier Transform, Discrete FT, Fast FT, 1-dim and higher dimensional FT,
Inverse FT, convolution and deconvolution, theory of distributions
(generalized functions), especially Dirac Delta Distribution
and Singular Value Decomposition are presented
with application in (audio and image) signal processing and in
infra-red spectroscopy.
Last update: Kubová Petra (22.01.2018)
The student will be able to use Fourier Transform for signal processing and for equation solving, to find the correct sampling frequency and the correct measurement time according to the maximal input frequency and the correct detection of close peaks, to use convolution and deconvolution, to use Singular Value Decomposition. Last update: Kubová Petra (22.01.2018)
R:Klíč, Volka, Dubcová: Fourierova transformace s příklady z infračervené spektroskopie. VŠCHT Praha 2002, 80-7080478-5. A: R. Bracewell: The Fourier Transform & Its Applications, McGraw-Hill 3rd edition (1999) Last update: Kubová Petra (22.01.2018)
http://www.vscht.cz/mat/FT/CviceniFT.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourier_transform http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/FourierTransform.html Last update: Kubová Petra (22.01.2018)
The teaching consists of a 2-hour lecture and a 2-hour seminar a week, of individual consultation and of self-study. The final grade is based on the exam (test + oral). Last update: Kubová Petra (22.01.2018)
1. Basic definitions, periodic function, convolution. 2. Dirac delta function, discretization of a continuous signal. 3. Definition of Fourier transform, its properties. 4. Fourier transform of Dirac delta function and of periodic functions. 5. Fourier transform of rectangular and triangular pulse. 6. Instrument curve. 7. Nyquist condition. 8. Discrete Fourier transform. 9. Method "zero-filling". 10. Fast Fourier transform. 11. Parseval equality. 12. Fourier series. 13. Diffusion equation. 14. Relation between Fourier transform and Fourier series.
Last update: Pokorný Pavel (13.05.2019)
Students are expected to have either completed the prerequisite course Mathematics A or possess the equivalent knowledge on differential and integral calculus prior to enrolling in the course. Last update: Borská Lucie (13.05.2019)
No requirements. Last update: Borská Lucie (06.05.2019)